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35Stefani Mayer

    – You look primely, – Edvard disagreed.
    – Will look, – remedied Alice.
    – Thank you, – I breathed. – do you indeed think that people will come? – in my voice, obviously, a hope was heard. Alice squirmed an ugly face.
    – All will come, – Edvard answered. – by It all, to death, it is desirable to consider from within, mysterious house of recluses of Kallenov.
    – Shockingly, – I moaned.
    My help was nowhere needed. And I doubt, whether able all to do also as Alice, even after will leave off to need in sleep and to move a figure far quick.
    Edvard did not release me not on a second, carried after itself, while searched Jasper and then Karlayla, what to tell about my conjecture. With quiet horror I listened how they discussed the plan of attacking army in Seattle. I could draw a conclusion, that Jasper was not glad that, how raspredililis' forces, but they were not able to contact with anyone else, except for unpersons interested to help families of Tani. Unlike Edvarda, Jasper did not try to hide the despair. It was clear that he dislikes to play at such high rates.
    I could not remain aside, hoping and trusting that they to return home. Did not could. I would get off from a mind.
    In a door called.
    Unexpectedly, all became normal surrealism. Tension on face of Karlayla was changed by a blameless smile, sincere and warm. Alice included music more pogromche and, hopping, went to open a door.
    These were my numerous, local, friends, all too nervous or too frightened, to arrive po-otdel'nosti. First Jessica stood in doors, right behind it is Mike. Tayler, Konner, Austin, Li, Samantha. Loren went even, locking a procession, curiosity burned in its disapproving look. It was curious them all, and then, entering in an enormous room, decorated as a chic club, they were simply staggered. A room did not empty; all of Kalleny took the places, ready to play the ordinary, blameless, human games. By I felt a that evening, that acted in exactness as they.
    I went poprivetstvovat' Jess and Mike, hoping that my breaking away voice can be copied off on a delight. Before I was able to greet with other, a bell was again heard. I admitted Angela and Ben, leaving a door widely opened – because Erik and Cathie already went near the stages of porch.
    I did not have time for panic. I need it was with all to speak, concentrated on what to be the pleasant hospitable hostess of evening. Although an evening-party was declared general for Alice, Edvarda and me, hardness it was to deny, that was congratulated and thanked you, more frequent than all, me. Maybe, because, under illumination which was set by Alice, Kalleny looked a bit strange. Maybe, because this illumination did a room misty and enigmatic. But, atmosphere not to compel an ordinary man to be weakened next to such, as Emmet. I saw how Emmet, through a table with a meal, grinned Mike, red light flashed on his teeth, and noticed, as Mike automatically did a step back.
    Possibly, Alice did it on purpose, to propose me in a spotlight, there, where on its opinion must was me most please. It always tried to compel me to behave how in its presentation must were behave all of people.
    It was clear that an evening-party was succeeded, in spite of the hidden tension, caused the presence of Kallenov – or it can, vice versa, added excitation to the atmosphere. Muzyka was contagious, light – almost hypnotized. Judging to on speed which a meal disappeared with, it was also good. In a room quickly going much to the people, but not so, that to cause the attack of claustrophobia. Seems, all of senior class was here, and many of junior. Bodies rocked in a rhythm, buzzing in the soles of feet, an evening-party threatened to pass to dances.
    All was not so hardness, as I imagined. I followed pointing Alice, communicated and stirred minute with each. It was so easily them to please. I was sure, this vechernika is the steepest action from everything before taking a place in Forks. Alice almost purred from pleasure – nobody of present person will never forget this night.
    Finally I rounded a room and went back to Jessica. It stirred heatedly, and was optional attentively to listen it, it was clearly – answers it does not need in the near time from me. Edvard was next to me – still renouncing to release me. He reliably twined about a hand my waist, from time to time, attracting me nearer, probably in reply to ideas which better it was me not to know.
    Therefore, in me at once woke up suspicion, when he tore off the hand and carefully stepped back from me.
    – Remain here, – he whispered to me on an ear. – I will return now.
    He gracefully got through crowd, seemed even touching nobody of densely standings people, disappeared too quickly, I did not even have time to ask why he leaves. Squinting, I accompanied him a look, while Jessica, indifferent to my confusion, catching me for an elbow, something insistingly yelled through music.
    I looked after how he attained dark shade after a kitchen door, light, only periodically, got there. He leaned over someone, whoever I could look over after heads.
    I rose tiptoe, drawing out a neck. At this juncture, red light flashed by on his back and brightly blazed up on the red spangles of woman's jacket of Alice. Light touched her face only on the floor of second, but it was enough.
    – Excuse me, Jess, I on a minute, – I mumbled, pulling up the hand. I did not wait till its reaction, did not even look, whether it was offended on my sharpness.
    Forcing one's the way through bodies, I sometimes looked around. Only a few persons danced now. I hurried to the door in a kitchen.
    Edvard went away, but Alice still was there, in darkness, her face was empty – such, nothing expressing, usually that, who became the witness of terrible incident just has a kind. It was grabbed one-arm for a door-post, as though it needs was support.
    – That, Alice, that? What did you see? – my hands are built in an entreaty.
    It did not look at me, its look was directed far. I nosed after its look and saw that it had caught the look of Edvarda on other side of room. His person was empty, as a stone. He developed and disappeared in shade under a stair.
    After it, at once called in a door, a few hours passed after the last guest. Alice with the puzzled kind, quickly replaced expression of disgust, looked toward an entrance door.
    – Who did invite a werewolf? – it attacked on me.
    I frowned:
    it is My guilt.
    I thought that rescinded that invitation – obviously not my dream, that Dzheykob, nonentity, turned up here.
    – That, then go and understand with it. I am necessary to talk with Karlaylom.
    – No, Alice, wait! – I tried to grasp it for a hand, but it went away, and my hand caught air only.
    it is Curse! – I growled.
    I knew – it it. Alice saw that expected, and I, honestly speaking, did not feel that able to survive tense uncertainty long enough, what to walk up to the door. A bell was again pressed, too long, someone strongly pressed on on the button. I resolutely developed the back to the door, and looked intently in a dark room, to see Alice.
    I could nothing to look over, and began to push through to the stair.
    it is Hello, Bella!
    Deep voice of Dzheykoba, sounded in moment when music calmed down for a short time, and I involuntarily responded to the name.
    I was twisted.
    There was one not werewolf, but whole three. Dzheykob entered escorted by Kvila and Embri. These two looked awfully tense, their eyes hurried on a room so, as if they called at a burial vault with ghosts. The shaky hand of Embri held a door still, a body is unfolded in pol-oborota, he was ready at any minute to hurry.
    Dzheykob waved me a hand, he was more quiet than other, although his nose was wrinkled from disgust. I waved in reply, implying – «while», and developed in search of Alice. I squeezed between the backs of Konnera and Loren.
    He arose out of from nowhere, his hand opened out me for a shoulder in shade of kitchen. I made an effort avoid his grip, but he took me for a healthy wrist and pulled out from crowd.
    it is the Friendly reception, – he noticed.
    I tore up a hand and angrily looked at him:
    – That do you do here?
    – did you invite me, remember?
    – If my blow on the right, was a too gentle hint, allow me to translate is meant that invitation was abolished.
    – be not silly. I brought you a gift on exhaust, and all that.
    I laid down hands on a breast. It was not desirable to swear with Dzheykobom right now. I wanted to know that Alice saw and that Edvard and Karliayl talked about it. I stuck out a head from Dzheykoba, searching them.
    – Give it back in a shop, Jake. I need something to do.
    He got up in the field of my sight, claiming attention.
    – Back to give – not able. In a shop I did not buy it – I did it. And yet, to do it, the lots of time went away for me.
    I again developed from him, but in any way could not see everything somebody from Kallenov. Where did they go? My eyes were searched in a dark room.
    – And give up, Bell. Not pretend to be, that I here am not present.
    – I do not pretend to be. – they were nowhere visible. – Listen, Jake, for me now put much.
    He took me for a chin and compelled to look up.
    – do I Can, please, to take possession pair by the seconds of your precious attention, miss of Svan?
    I was pulled back from his touch.
    – Popriderzhi hands, Dzheykob, – I hissed.
    – Excuse! – shortly said he, holding hands palm up, surrendering. – to me, indeed, very it is sorry. And for that time, also. It did not follow me so to kiss you. It was wrong. Probably. well, probably, I cheated itself, thinking that you also want me.
    – Cheated itself is what wonderful determination!
    – Be a clever girl. you can accept my apologies.
    – All right. Apologies are accepted. Now, if you will excuse me on a minute.
    – Well, – he muttered, and his voice became quite another, I even left off to search Alice and attentively looked at his person. He was covered on the floor, hiding eyes. His lower lip a bit came forward forward.
    – Probably, you are better to be with your real friends, – he said by the that killed tone. – I understood everything.
    I began to the moan:
    – About, Jake, you know is not honest.
    – And do I know?
    – Owe. – I leaned forward, trying to glance him in eyes. He heaved up a head, looking over me, avoiding my inquisitive look.
    it is Jake?
    He renounced to look at me.
    – Hey, did you say that did something for me, so? – I asked. – did Simply flutter? Where my gift? – an attempt to represent enthusiasm was enough pitiful, but it worked. He rolled eyes and then squirmed me a grimace.
    I continued unconvincingly to pretend to be, proposing a hand before itself.
    – I wait.
    – it is Possible to think, – he mumbled sarcastically. But started to the climb in the back pocket of jeans and the little smuggled out of, tightly strung kozhannymi laces, sac from linen, multicoloured fabric. Dzheykob laid me him on a palm.
    – Ouch, it is wonderful, Jake. Thank you!
    He breathed:
    it is Gift inwardly, Bella.
    – About!
    I had problems with plots. He again breathed and took away a sac for me, untiing a knot simply pulling at for a right end. I stretched a hand, to take away him, but he inverted a sac and shook out something silver in my palm. Metallic links unloudly tinkled at each other.
    – I did not do a bangle, – he noticed. – Only trinket.
    On one of links of silver bangle a little wooden figurine was fastened. I took him fingers, what to consider closer. It was surprisingly, that such little figurine includes so much details – a miniature wolf was unlikely realistic. He was even intagliated from a krasno-korichnevogo tree, one color with the skin of Dzheykoba.
    – He is wonderful, – I whispered. – did you do it? How?
    He reaped shoulders.
    – Billy taught. For him turns out rather better my.
    – In it hardness to trust, – I mumbled, twisting a tiny wolf in fingers.
    – to you is he, true, liked?
    – Yes! It is unbelievable, Jake.
    He smiled happily, but expression of his person skislo after.
    – Well, I thought, that can be, it sometimes will remind you of me. you know how it is, from eyes away – from a heart begone.
    I ignored this remark.
    – Come on, help me to put on him.
    I stretched the left wrist, because a right arm was in a bandage. He fastened a lock easily, although it seemed too delicate work for his pollexs.
    – will you carry him? – he asked.
    – will be Certainly.
    He smiled me – this was a happy smile which I so liked to see on his face.
    Some time I looked at him, but after again nervously examined a room, searching Edvarda and Alice in crowd.
    – Why are you such off-tune? – Dzheykob took interest.
    – I am not off-tune, – I told a lie, trying to be concentrated. – Thank you for a gift. To me he, true, very pleased.
    it is Bella? – his eyebrows met on the bridge of the nose, making up for shade on eyes. – did Something happen, in fact so?
    it is Jake, I. no, nothing.
    – not lie me, you are a fig fibber. you must say me, that takes a place. We want to know that takes a place. – he declared, passing to the plural.
    Possibly, he was rights; werewolves certainly would zainteresovalis' that took a place. I was not sure only, that took a place in general. Could not know full surely, while will not meet with Alice.
    – Dzheykob, I will tell you. Only allow me to find out that happened, agreed? I am necessary to talk with Alice.
    Ununderstanding affected his person.
    it is Clairvoyant, did see something?
    – Yes, just then, when you appeared.
    – It whether not about a vampire bat in your room? – he whispered, his voice was below than thrum of music.
    it is CPLD, – I was acknowledged.
    He thought over with, inclining a head on a side, reading a minute on expression of my person.
    – You know something, that does not tell me. something very important.
    What was sense to lie again in? He knew me too well.
    – Yes.
    Dzheykob looked at me, and then turned, what to meet a look with brothers on a covey, which stood in a passage-way, feeling an ill at an ease and uncomfort. When they saw his expression, they began to move, agilely moving up through crowd of guests of evening-party, as though also dancing. Through the floor of minute they already stood on the different sides of Dzheykoba, overpeering above me.
    – Now explain, – Dzheykob demanded.
    Embri and Kvil looked both at me or on Dzheykoba, confusedly and with suspicion.
    – Dzheykob, I do not know everything, – I continued to examine a room, now, seeking salvation. They, in all of senses, drove me in a corner.
    – Then, that do you, exactly, know?
    They all simultaneously crossed hands on a breast. It was chutochku amusing, but, mostly frightening, spectacle.
    And, after, I caught a look Alice, pulldown on a stair, its white skin shone under violet light.
    it is Alice! – I squeezed out with relief.
    It here looked at me, in spite of loud basses which must were deafen my voice. I waved vigorously, and looked after its person, when it saw three werewolves, inclined above me. Its eyes narrowed.
    But, before this reaction, expression of her face was full concern and fear. I got a bite lip, when it walked up to me.
    Dzheykob, Kvil and Embri all stepped back from it with not simple expression on face. It put the hand to me on a waist.
    – I am necessary to talk with you, – it whispered to me on an ear.
    – E-e, Jake, will meet later., - I said of, when we moved from a place.
    Dzheykob enclosed us a road, fished out the long hand and leaning at a wall.
    – Hey, not so quickly.
    Alice was covered on him open-eyed, disbelieving what be going on.

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  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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