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    it is the indeed most difficult part.
    – I profi on complications.
    – Yes, I know, – he smiled before to continue, – That, you are right. Sam knew now, that took a place, and all was almost good. Mainly, his life naladilas' and became again, all right, not quite normal, but better, than to it, – saying it, Dzheykob pomrachnel and compressed, as if something very sickly coming him, – Sam could not tell Lea. We have no the authority to talk about it that, who it does not follow to know. In addition, was not safe him to be next to it, but he continued to cheat it, the same as and I you. Lea was in fury because he did not tell it, that takes a place – neither about that, where he was nor where left at nights nor why he always was so exhausted, but, in spite of everything, they reconciled. They tried. They indeed loved each other.
    it is knew? Here, that did happen?
    He rocked a head.
    – No, a problem was not herein. Its cousin, Emili Yang, arrived from reservation of Poppy to visit it on a weekend.
    I breathed out:
    – is Emili a cousin Lea?
    it is the once Removed cousin. Nevertheless, they were very near. In childhood they were, as full sisters.
    – Eto.uzhasno.Kak did Sam could.? – I jumped back, rocking a head.
    – not reprobate him, while does not know everything. Whether told you anybody.Did you hear some time about imprintinge?
    it is Imprinting? – I repeated an incomprehensible term. – No. What does it mean?
    – It another from those oddities with which we are forced to be reconciled. It takes a place not with each. Generally, it is a rare exception rather, what governed. Sam knew a lot of histories, histories which we all considered legends by that time. He heard of imprintinge, but never and could not think.
    – That it? – drove in him I.
    The look of Dzheykoba was directed to the ocean.
    – Sam indeed loved Lea. But as soon as he saw Emili, for him it more nothing meant already. understand not quite exactly, why. thus we find the second half. He shot on me eyes and pokrasnel. – I have in vidu.polovinku of the soul.
    – How? Ljubov at first blush? – I smiled.
    Dzheykob did not smile. His dark eyes from my reaction became censorious, – It something much prepotent. More perfect.
    – I am sorry, you it is serious, in fact so? – I mumbled.
    – Yes, just like this.
    it is Ljubov at first blush? But prepotent? – in my voice suspicious faint notes sounded still, and he fully could recognize them.
    – It hardness to explain. Anyway, it does not matter, – he pronounced indifferently, – you wanted to know that compelled Sam to hate vampires, for that from them he changed, that compelled him to conceive a hatred itself. Here, that happened. He broke up the heart of Lea. He did not restrain not single, given to it, promises. Every day he has to see laying to its eyes, and to know that it is right.
    He suppressed suddenly, as though said something, what not going.
    – As did Emili manage with it? If was it so near with Lea.?
    Sam and Emili so correctly looked at oneself together, as if were two, by the ideally resembling to each other pieces of pazla. Only here. how was Emili no longer take into account circumstance that he belonged to somebody else? Moreover, to its sister.
    – At the beginning, it was indeed very angered. But hardness to withstand, being on a verge between conviction and adoration, – Dzheykob breathed, – And then, Sam, finally, was able all to tell it. In the world there are not rules which would restrain you, when you find the half. Do you know how pokalechilas' it?
    – Yes.
    A version bytovala in Forkse, that it was torn to pieces by a bear, but I knew a secret.
    «Werewolves are not stable», – Edvard said, – «People round them are in a danger.»
    So, enough strange, how they succeeded to hush up it.
    Sam was so shocked, was so-so opposite, he so hated itself, for that did.He is ready was even to dash under a bus, if it helped to facilitate its sufferings. He could do whatever, it is even simple to elope from that did. He was fully broken. Then, what – that by appearance, it became the unique, who was able to quiet him, and after it.
    Dzheykob did not make off the idea, and I felt that farther history becomes the too personal for that, what by it with someone divided.
    it is Poor Emili, – I whispered, is Poor Sam. Poor Lea.
    – Yes, Lea was reached more all, – he consented, is drew on on a person the mask of bravery and going to be a bridesmaid.
    Trying all of it to comprehend, I looked aside at salient stone, overpeering above an ocean. I felt his look on the face, he waited, that I would say anything.
    – did it also happen With you? – finally, did I ask, still looking in distance, is Eta lyubov'-s-pervogo-vzglyada?
    – No, – he answered vividly, – Sam and Dzhared is unique.
    – Khmm, – I pronounced, trying, that it sounded simply, as the polite personal interest. I felt a facilitation and simultaneously tried to explain to to itself it the reaction. I decided that simply happy that he did not begin to assert, as though between you and me two there was this mystic wolfish connection. Our mutual relations and without that were tangled enough. I no longer needed not what supernatural, I with a head had that with what I already had to clash.
    He suppressed also, and a quiet became a few blundering. My intuition prompted me, that I do not want to know, what he now thinks about.
    – As did it happen with Dzharedom? – I asked, to violate a quiet.
    – Here did without drama. This was simply a girl, with which he whole year every day sat alongside at school, and on which and two times did not give a glance. But since he was first thrown, he had seen it again and since no longer tears away an eye from it. Kim was in raptures. It was from him without a mind. It covered with writing all of diary the name, adding his last name on an end, – he began to the laugh mockingly.
    I frowned.
    – It Dzhared did tell you? He does not owe was.
    Dzheykob got a bite lip.
    – Dumayu, I must not was laugh. It amusing although.
    are Two halves of one soul.
    He breathed.
    – Dzhared nothing specially did not tell us. Did I already tell you about it, remember?
    – About, yes. Can you read ideas each of covey, but only, when you in wolfskins, correctly?
    – Correctly. As your the blood-sucker, – he grinned.
    it is Edvard, – remedied him I.
    – Certainly, certainly. Here, how I so many knew about that feels Sam. That, it quite not means that he would tell us all of it, if he had a choice. Generally, it just exactly that, that we all hate identically, – in his voice bitter taste sounded distinctly, is awfully. Nothing personal, no secrets. All, what you are shamed, openly for an universal review, – he shuddered.
    it is sounds awfully, – I whispered.
    – Sometimes, when it is needed to act together, it very comfortably, – he said reluctantly, – As, for example, once, when, in koe eyelids, a few vampire bats appeared on our territory. Laurent was amusing. And if Kalleny did not get up for us on the road in past subbotu.o! – he growled, – We could catch it! – his fists compressed in anger.
    I gave a start. As strongly I did not worry that Jasper or Emmet could suffer, it was nothing, by comparison to that panic which, I felt, presenting Dzheykoba, battling with Viktoriey. It seemed to me that Emmet with Jasper were so invincible, as far as I could present only. Dzheykob still perceived by me, as warm-blooded, for me he still was relatively a man. Death. I presented how Dzheykob meets up against Viktoriey, as its brilliant hairs are blown about round its strange cat-like lica.I gave a start.
    Dzheykob with curiosity looked at me.
    – Really not the same do you test constantly? Knowing that he is dug in your head?
    – About, it is not. Edvard never was in my head. He dreams only about it.
    Face of Dzheykoba confusion affected.
    – He does not hear me, – I explained, noticing that self-satisfied faint notes appeared in my voice, is I for him only one such. We do not know why he can not read my ideas.
    – Strange, – Dzheykob said.
    – Yes, – a complacency disappeared from my voice, – Possibly, it means that with my brain something not so, – I assumed.
    it is I so know already, that with your brain something not so, – Dzheykob muttered.
    – Thank you.
    Suddenly unexpectedly a sun cut oneself through clouds, what I in any way did not expect today, and I had soschurit'sya, looking on ablaze the surface of water. All changed in a color – waves became dark blue, in place of grey, tree from a boring-olive, became chlor, and varicoloured pebble began to the sparkle, as if jewels.
    Some time we squinted expectant, while our eyes privyknut to bright light. There was not a not single sound, except for the splash of waves, by an echo carried in all of sides from the secluded hidden bay, soft rustle of the stone ground at each other in the waves of surf, and scream of gulls in the distance. All around was such peaceful.
    Dzheykob sat down to me closer, so that to lean one's the elbows on my hand. He was such warm. After a minute, I threw down from itself a raincoat. He published some quiet satisfied sound and snuggled up the cheek to my top. I felt, as a sun warms my skin, although it was less warm, what Dzheykob – and it became interestingly me, how many time required, scorched.
    I it is dissipated took aside the right arm and began to examine in ablaze sunbeams a scar, leave on it James.
    – what do you think About? – he whispered,
    – About a sun.
    it is Mm, it is nice.
    – And do you think about what? – I asked.
    He smiled.
    – I remembered a that idiotic film which you led me on. When Mike Newton zableval all around.
    I began to the laugh also, surprised, as time can change flashbacks. Then it seemed something tense, such embarrassing. From that night a great deal changed.And I could laugh now. This was the last our with Dzheykobom evening, before he knew a legacy about it. Last human flashback. Now this flashback became strange pleasant.
    – it does not have me, – Dzheykob said, is Togo, as all once was such simple. untangled. I am glad that I have such good flashbacks, – he breathed.
    He felt, as my body was strained, when his flashbacks woke up my own.
    – That with you, – he asked.
    – It all from your flashbacks. – I kept away from him, to give a glance him in a person. Did it express confusion, – you not soizvolish' to tell me, finally, that you then did on Monday morning? you thought about something, that strongly discomposed Edvarda.
    «Discomposed» is was not quite suitable word, but an answer needed me, so that I thought and decided that beginning is better without a superfluous strictness.
    The face of Dzheykoba was lighted up understanding, and he began to the laugh.
    – I simply thought about you. Not strongly did please him, yes?
    – About me? That exactly?
    He began to the laugh again, but already not so merrily.
    – I reminisced that, how you looked by that night, when Sam found you – I saw this appearance in his head. I as though was there; you know, this flashback pursues Sam constantly. And then I remembered how you looked, first arriving to me. I bet, you do not even present, in what you were the state, Bella. Weeks passed, before you began to look like a man. And I remembered yet, how you constantly hugged itself hands, as if a try to keep itself. – Dzheykob made a wry face, and then shocked a head, – it was hardness me to reminisce what you were unhappy, though it was and not through my fault. So, I decided that it will be much heavier for him. I thought, that he needs to give a glance on that he created with you.
    I cuffed him on a shoulder, very hitting him a hand.
    – Dzheykob Blek, never again do it! Promise, that will not be.
    – For anything. I did not get such pleasure a few months.
    – Then, help me, Jake.
    – About, get on the itself hip, Bella. When will I, in general, see him again? Not worry about it.
    I rose, intending to go away, but he caught me for a hand. I made an effort be freed.
    – I leave, Dzheykob.
    – No, not leave while, – he began to protest, squeezing my hand in the hand, – I am sorry. And. all right. I will not be more of it to do. I promise.
    I breathed.
    – Thank you, Jake.
    – Let, went off to me home, – he said impatiently.
    – Generally, I think, indeed it is time me to go. Angela Veber waits me, and I know that Alice worries. I do not want it strongly to disorder.
    – But you arrived just!
    – It only seems so, – I looked in the sunshine, it was forth above a head. How did it happen that time had flown so quickly?
    He frowned.
    – I do not know when will see you again, – with pain Dzheykob pronounced in voice.
    – I will return, when he will leave again, – I promised.
    – will Leave? – he rolled eyes. Excellent name to what he is engaged in. Loathsome vermin.
    – If you can not keep up appearance, I will not return in general! – I threatened, trying to liberate the hand. He did not want it to release.
    – And not go down from a mind, – he smiled, is involuntary reflex.
    – If will I make an effort come again, you will behave how it is necessary, agreed?
    He waited.
    – see Here, – I explained, – however me, who vampire, and who werewolf. For me it does not matter. you – Dzheykob, he is Edvard, and I am Bella. And all of other is not important.
    He squinted eyes.
    – But I am a werewolf, – he said reluctantly, and with obvious disgust added: – And he is a vampire.
    – And I am «Virgo» on a horoscope! – I cried angrily.
    He surprised heaved up eyebrows, with curiosity studying expression of my person. In final analysis, he reaped shoulders.
    – Well, if you, indeed, so see it.
    – Yes. Just like this.
    – All right. Simply Bella and Dzheykob. Without all of these incomprehensible «Virgo».
    He smiled me a that warm, acquainted smile which so did not have me. I felt, as a return smile runs back on my face.
    it is I indeed on you missed, Jake, – I was acknowledged.
    it is I also, – his smile became wider. His eyes became clear and happy, clearing up from bitter malice, – More than you think. Will you return soon?
    – As soon as able, – I promised

Chapter 6

    On the way home, I did not spare the special attention a road, to wetly gleaming in the sunshine. I thought over all of that information which partaken with me Dzheykob, trying in it to understand and catch sense.
    In spite of internal tension, it became easy me. To see a smile on face of Dzheykoba, to know that anymore there are no secrets. from it the general of businesses, certainly, did not become ideal, but improved obviously.
    I did correctly, that eloped. Dzheykob needed me. And to all appearances, I thought, looking in the mirror of back kind, no danger here is not present.
    It appeared, as if from from nowhere. Minute back in the mirror of back kind nothing was, except for lighted up the bright sunlight of highway, and in a next instant – a sun was reflected from silvery «Vol'vo», sitting down me on a tail.
    – Here, devil, – I whined plaintively.
    I decided to go down on the side of a road. But it was too terrible me to meet with him face to face right now. I hoped to get though a bit preparation time. and that Charley will be alongside as support. At least, it will compel him not to elevate voice on me.
    Followed «Vol'vo» in a few inches behind me. I was covered on a road before itself.

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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