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43Stefani Mayer

    His smile dazzled. – Exceptionally.
    I began to the moan again.
    – are not you niskolechki happy?
    He kissed me again, before I was able to answer. Another too convincing kiss.
    – A bit, – I answered, when able to talk. – But, not concerning the married life.
    He kissed me again. – does not it seem to you that all takes a place vice versa? – he laughed to me in an ear. – If to follow traditions, must you renounce, and I to persuade, really not so?
    – For us with you, all not too traditionally.
    – True.
    Again kiss, and he kissed me while my heart again not began speeded up to fight, but a skin blazed up.
    – Listen, Edvard, – I whispered insinuatingly, while he kissed my palm. – I said that will go out for you, and I will fulfil a promise. I promise. I swear. If want, I will sign an agreement the blood.
    – not funnily, – he whispered in my wrist.
    – That, want to say – I do not try to lead around you round a finger or something yet. you know me, I on such am not capable. Therefore, actually, there is not reason to wait. We quite one – as is such often? – and you foresaw this large and comfortable bed.
    – not today, – he said again.
    – do not you trust me?
    – Certainly, trust.
    By a hand which he kissed still, I turned vverkh his person, what to see his expression.
    – Then in what problem? Not look like that you do not know that will win a victory in the end. – I frowned and muttered, – you always win.
    – Simply want to carry absolutely conviction, – he said quietly.
    – You planned, something yet, – I guessed, my eyes narrowed. He hid something, he had tried to hide a gentle hint on some secret reason under the ordinary conduct. – going you to take away the words back?
    – No, – he promised solemnly. – I swear you, we will make an attempt. Since you will go out for me marry.
    I rocked a head and smiled sorrowfully. – you compel me to feel villain in a melodrama – I podkruchivayu moustaches and try to steal honour of poor girl.
    There was suspicion in his eyes, when he gave a glance on me, after quickly snuggled up lips to my collar-bone.
    – am I right? – a short laughter broke forth for me, rather from shock, what from gladness. – you try to protect the honour! – I closed a mouth a hand, what to crush down laughter. Words were such. outmoded.
    – No, foolish girl, – he whispered to me in a shoulder. – I try to protect your honour. And you complicate my attempts awfully.
    – I plead with you.
    – Allow to ask you, about something, – quickly he interrupted me. – We already discussed before, but do me a favor and listen once again. How many people in this room do have the soul? Flight on skies, or that will there be after this life?
    – At two, – here, I answered hot.
    – Well, can so it and am. Now, in the world full disagreements on this occasion, but majority, vsezh, is predisposed to that is set rules which are necessary to follow.
    – did Govern for vampires you are not enough? Do you want to experience about human?
    it is not injures, – he reaped by shoulders. – Simply just in case.
    I, narrowing eyes, looked at him.
    – Now, for me, it must be, already too late, even if you are right regarding my soul.
    – No, not lately, – I began to argue evil.
    – not «ubiy», teach most religious concessions. And I put to death a lot of people, Bella.
    – Only bad.
    He reaped shoulders. – it Can and matters, and can and no. But you put to death nobody.
    – It you think so, – I whispered.
    He smiled, letting a pass on that he short was cut. And I want to do everything, that in my forces, what to retain you from the way of temptation.
    – Well. But we do not argue about that, to accomplish murder or not, – I reminded to him.
    – those principles Operate is the unique difference – it that in this area I am the same ignoramus, as well as you. Do I can khotya-by one rule not to violate?
    – One?
    – You know that I stole, told a lie, desired stranger. my the chastity, all, that remained for me. – He smiled awry.
    – I lie all of time.
    – Yes, but to tell you are not able, so that, it ignores. Nobody disbelieves you.
    – I very hope that you wrong – because differently Charley now vlomitsya in a door with the charged pistol.
    – Charley feels more quiet, pretending to be and swallowing your fairy-tales. He it is better it will be to tell to itself, what will give a glance a true in eyes. – Edvard smiled.
    – But that stranger could you want? – I asked with a doubt. – you have all.
    – I desired you. – his smile was darkened. – I do not have a right to wish you – but I however, got that wanted and took you. And now, look, who you grew into! you try to pervert a vampire. – he rocked a head in the pretended horror.
    – You can not desire that and so already your – I clarified him. – In addition, I thought you worry about my chastity.
    – It so. If already too late for me. That, let, I will be frigging, no pun, but will not allow them to take away and you, also.
    – You can not compel me to go there, where you will not be, – I declared. – In my understanding, it will be hell. In any case, I have a simple decision of problem: let, will simply never die?
    – Sounds enough simply. Why, did not I think of it before?
    He smiled me, while I not give up, furiously breathing out. – Means so. you will not sleep with me, while we will not marry.
    – Technically, I will be never able to sleep with you.
    I rolled eyes. it is a Very grown man remark, Edvard.
    – But, in respect of other, yes, you understood everything right.
    – I consider, you have the hidden reason.
    His eyes broadened innocently. – another?
    – You know, it can accelerate the course of events, – I accused.
    He made an effort not smile. – there Is an only one event with which I want to hurry, and other can wait always. but, true, your impatient human hormones, my strongest allies on this business.
    – I can not trust that will survive it. When I think about Charley. and Rene! Can you present, what will Angela think of? Or Jessica? Fish soups. I hear scuttle-butts already.
    He heaved up an eyebrow, looking at me, and I knew why. What difference, that will they think of me, if I soon will leave and will not return? Really, am I so sensible, that not able to undergo a few weeks of slanting looks and leading questions?
    Maybe, it bothered stronger, because I knew that would talk also indulgently, as well as all of other, about some to other girl which would marry this summer.
    «Ugh. Will make a match this summer!» – pulled me.
    And, maybe, if I was educated differently, it would not bother me so strongly, but I shuddered only from one idea about the married life.
    Edvard cut my samokopanie short. – Triumph not necessarily must be large. I do not need fanfares. you are not necessary it will be all to tell or to change something. We will depart in Vegas – you can put on old jeans, and we will depart in a chapel, where it is not needed it will be to go out even from a machine. I simply want, what all was official – that you belonged to me and anymore to nobody.
    – can not be yet oficial'ney, than am narrower, – I muttered. But on his description, all was not so badly. – Alice will be disappointed Only.
    – We will think on that score. – he smiled enough. – does Suppose, you will not want to get the ring right now?
    I had to swallow, before I was able to say. – you suppose right.
    He began to the laugh above my expression. it is good. Quite soon, I however will dress him to you on a finger.
    I looked at him. – you talk so, as though at it is already to you.
    – Am, – he said, not embarrassed. – Expects, to break you, at the first sign of weakness.
    – You are unbelievable.
    – do you want to see him? – he asked. His eyes, colors of transparent topaz, lighted up sudden excitation.
    – No! – mechanically, I almost cried out. And at once pozhalela about it. His person pogrustnelo slowly. – Only, if you indeed want to rotin him to me, – I reformed, squeezing teeth, to hide my irrational fear.
    – It is all right, – he reaped shoulders. – Ring can wait.
    I breathed. – Rotin me it treklyatoe ring, Edvard.
    He shocked a head. – No.
    Whole I studied a minute expression of his person.
    – Please? – I asked quietly, experimenting with my new weapon. By finger-tips, I touched his person easily. – Please, do I can to see him?
    His eyes narrowed. – you are the most dangerous creature which I some time met with, – he mumbled. But rose and with inexpressible grace got up on knees before a little prikrovatnoy stand. Through an instant he went back to me on a bed, sat alongside and hugging a hand for shoulders. There was a little black small box in other hand. He put it on my left knee.
    – Let, give a glance on him, – he said without ceremony.
    It was more difficult, than it is needed, to take an inoffensive little small box, but I did not want to scotch him again, I endeavoured therefore, that my hand did not tremble. A surface was covered a smooth black sateen. I ran back on it fingers, hesitating.
    – did not you spend a lot of money, in fact, true? Utter a lie, if spent.
    – I spent nothing, – he notarized me. it is another used thing. It is a ring which my father gave my materi.
    – About! – I published the surprised exclamation. Took a lid a large and indicatory finger, but did not open it.
    – Suppose, it is a bit outdated, – he was affectedly sorry. – Outmoded, as well as I. I can purchase you, anything, more modern. Anything from Tiffani?
    – I love the outmoded things, – I said of, hesitatingly opening a small box.
    A ring is Elisabeth Meysen, lay on a black sateen, sparkling in the muffled light. His forehand was the extended oval, decorated the slanting rows of brilliant, glimmered, round stone. A rim of ring was gold – elegant and narrow. Gold seemed a thin network with disseminations of diamonds. I never saw nothing of the kind.
    Thoughtlessly, I stroked ablaze jewels.
    – What wonderful, – I whispered to itself, and surprised.
    it is It you like?
    it is wonderful. – I reaped by shoulders, pretending to be disinterested. – Why must it me be disliked?
    He smiled. – will Look, whether it befits to you.
    My left arm compressed in a fist.
    it is Bella, – he breathed. – I not going to solder him to your finger. Simply try on him, so I will see whether it is necessary to change a size. Then, can at once to take off him.
    – All right, – I mumbled.
    I stretched to the ring, but his long fingers passed me. Taking my left arm, he dressed me a ring on a middle finger. We both examined a shining oval on a background my skin. It was not so awfully, as I was afraid.
    – befits Perfectly, – he said indifferently. it is good – will economize on a hike to jeweller.
    I could feel strong emotions, hidden under the relaxed tone, and looked at his person. It was notedly and in his look, in spite of careful indifferent expression of eyes.
    – You like it, does not it? – I asked suspiciously, playing fingers, and thinking how badly, that I did not break a left arm.
    He reaped shoulders.
    – Certainly, – he said, still indifferently. it is very well looks at oneself on you.
    I was covered in his eyes, trying to decipher that for smouldering light of emotion, was hidden under the mask of calmness. He looked in reply, and the affected sham popped off. He shone – his angelic person shone victory and gladness. He was so magnificent, that I for me was hammered together breathing.
    Before I was able to breathe exactly, he kissed me already, his lips rejoiced. I was as if in plod, when he reached lips to my ear, something to whisper – but his breathing was the same uneven, as well as my.
    – Yes, I like. you and can not imagine, as far as.
    I began to the laugh, hardly strangling. – I trust you.
    – do not you object, if I will do something? – he whispered, his hands hugged me closer.
    – All, that want.
    But he released me and slipped away away.
    – All, except for it, – I ached.
    He ignored me, taking by a hand and lugging away, away from a bed. He got up opposite me, hands on my shoulders, a person is serious.
    – Now, I want to do it it is correct. Pozhaluysta-pozhaluysta, remember – you consented already, and now not port' to me pleasure.
    – About, it is not, – I breathed out, when he went down on one knee.
    – Be a clever girl, – he whispered.
    I breathed deeply.
    it is Isabel of Svon? – he looked up at me, through the incredibly long cilia, his gold eyes were tender and burning simultaneously. – I promise to love you always is every separately taken day of eternity. Will you go out for me marry?
    There was a lot of all, that I would like to answer, something is not nearly good, and other yet more disgustingly sentimental and romantic, he even and not dreams that I can pronounce such. And not to embarrass itself all of these words, I simply whispered:
    – Yes.
    – Thank you, – he said. Taking my left arm, Edvard kissed every tag of my fingers, before to kiss a ring which now was my

Chapter 21

    So it was not desirable to outlay night on sleep, but it was inevitable. When I woke up, after a window a sun lighted brightly, and little clouds somehow too quickly swept over on sky. Wind loosened the apexes of trees, and seemed, all of the forest had trembled with fear.
    He left me one dressed, I was thankful him for possibility to think in loneliness. Incomprehensible as, but my yesterday's plan, went wrong. I need it was svyknut'sya with his consequences. I gave although, «used» ring at once, not too hastily, not to scotch his sense, my left arm seemed heavier however, as though a ring still was there, simply invisible.
    It must not was fluster me. Nothing here special – will go in Vegas. I will be able to dress old not jeans, but even yet better is an old sporting suit. Will not a ceremony occupy a lot of time, not longer 15 minutes, correctly? So, I will survive.
    And then, when all will make off, he will have to carry out the part of transaction. It is necessary to be concentrated thereon, and to forget about all of other.
    He said that I will have to tell nobody, and I planned to adhere to this plan. Certainly, foolishly it was not to think of Alice.
    Kalleny returned home to a 12 o'clock of day. Nothing new was felt in their conduct, they looked to po-delovomu, all of it reminded me of monstrous nothing, that approached us.

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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