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    – I do not think that it is possible from the human point of view. In any case, a mother galloped around you ten years back. So can not continue.
    – Ten years back you did not have a fellow, – he mumbled reluctantly. I can say, he contested with the desire to leave this theme. We both stood, looking in a floor and turning away from each other.
    – I do not think that essence changed somehow, – I mumbled, and my person became the same red, as well as him. It was as if to pass the seventh circle of hell; yet worse it was to realize that Edvard knew that waited me at home. Now clearly, why he looked such self-satisfied in a machine.
    – Simply say me, that you both behave responsibly. – asked Charley, obviously wishing, that a hole was opened in the floor, and he would be able there to fail.
    – untroubled about it, dad, all quite not so.
    – not that I did not trust you, Bella, but I know that you want nothing me to tell about it, and you know that I actually want to hear nothing of it. I will endeavour to be objective. I know that times changed.
    I began to the laugh blundering. – Can times and changed, but Edvard very outmoded. To you not about what to worry.
    Charley breathed. – And it so, – he muttered.
    – fish Soups! – I moaned. – I did not indeed want, that you forced me to talk it aloud, dad. Indeed. But. Ya.devstvennica, and I not going in the near future to change this status.
    We both compressed, but the face of Charley was smoothed out. He, seems, trusted me.
    – do I Can now to go to sleep? Please.
    – Through a minute, – he said.
    – About, please, dad. I plead with you.
    – Unpleasant part made off, I promised, – he assured me.
    I for a moment gave a glance on him, and there was a soviet to that he looked more quiet, and his person returned the normal tint. He plyukhnulsya back onto a sofa, and heaved a the sigh of relief from that a talk about sex remained behind.
    – That now?
    – I simply want to know as for you put with friends.
    – I think O. well. I agreed with Andzheloy, that will help it today with conveying an invitation on exhaust. Only we, girls.
    it is good. But as regarding Dzheykoba?
    I breathed. it is I yet decided nothing on this occasion, dad.
    – Continue to try, Bella. I know, you will do everything correctly. you are a good man.
    Does mean if I did not decide nalazhivat' a relation with Dzheykobom, I would be a bad man?
    This was a blow below than belt.
    – Certainly, certainly, – I consented. The automatic answering almost compelled me to smile is was something, that I adopted at Dzheykoba. I even pronounced it the same patronized tone which he utillized, speaking, with the father.
    A sound grinned and included Charley. He slipped down lower on pillows, content with the done evening work. I assumed that he yet some time would look a game.
    – good Night, Belz.
    – will Meet in the morning! – I Cried already from a stair.
    Edvard disappeared for a long time and he will not return while Charley not zasnet – probably Edvard on hunt or yet anywhere. So I could take it easy to be changed clothes for sleep.
    I did not have a mood to spend time in loneliness, but I, certainly, not going to go down downward, to conduct him with Charley on a case if he will decide to discuss some moments concerning sexual education, which did not yet have time to affect; from this idea I shuddered.
    So due to Charley, I was highly-strung and alarmed. A home task was done, and I am not chuvsvovala desires to read or listen music. I decided to call Rene and report about the visit. But understood then, that in Florida time differs on three hours, and it it must be sleeps already.
    I thought, that would call Andzhele.
    But understood unexpectedly, that not with Andzheloy I want to talk. I must talk.
    I was covered in darkness after a window, getting a bite lip. I did not know as long I stood so, weighing pro and con – doing a choice, whether to meet with the my nearest other again, to be a good man or not to do it, that not to compel Edvarda to be vexed on me.
    Probably, passed about ten minutes. Sufficiently, to decide that now more important. Edvard just worries about my safety, and I knew that it is not reason for an anxiety.
    A telephone will not help; Dzheykob did not answer on my bells since Edvard returned. In addition, I must see him – to see him again smiling a former smile. I need it was to wipe this terrible flashback of his person distorted pain for renewal of the peace of mind.
    I had an o'clock of time approximately. I could quickly go in La Push and return Edvard will understand before, that I am not present. Besides interestingly whether there will be Charley me so to worry for me, if Edvarda will not be with me. There is an only one method to know it.
    I grasped the jacket, pushed in hands in sleeves, while went down on steps.
    Charley unstucked from a game, instantly becoming suspicious.
    – will not you feel strongly about, if I will go to meet with Dzheykobom? – I asked, with the bated breath. – I will not stay too long for a long time.
    As soon as I mentioned the name of Dzheykoba, the face of Charley was weakened and sprawled in a smile. He alike was not surprised, that his lecture had acted so quickly. – Certainly, kid. There are not problems. you can be there how many will want.
    – Thank you, dads, – I said and jumped out on a street.
    As any fugitive, I could not hold out, that will not look around pair of one times back, while hurried to the machine, but night was so dark, that herein there was not sense. I had by touch to search for the handle of door.
    My eyes began privykat' to darkness, only when I pushed in the key in lighting. I with force turned him to the left, but in place of that to be led, a motor simply clicked. I made an effort again, but with a that result.
    And then easy motion which I noticed lateral sight compelled me to jump up.
    – Oh! – I Breathed out in Choquet, when noticed that not alone in a machine.
    Edvard sat very quietly, not clear light patch in darkness, only his hands moved while he turned an enigmatic black object. He looked at this object, when began to talk.
    – Alice rang, – he pronounced quietly.
    Alice! Devil. I forgot to take into account its capabilities in the plan. He probably asked it to watch after me.
    it is zanervnichala, when your future off popped five minutes back.
    My eyes, widely exposed from a surprise, became yet more.
    – Because it can not see wolves, you know, – he explained by the same quiet deep voice. – did you forget it? When you decided to throw in the lot with them, you disappeared also. you could not know it, I understand. But you must was understand that it will compel me slightly. obespokoit'sya? Alice saw that you had disappeared, and it was not even able to say whether you will return home or not. Your future disappeared, as well as them
    We do not know why takes a place so. Some natural defence which they borned with. – He spoke now as though with itself, continuing to look at part of motor of my machine which he revolved in hands. it is not looked fully reliable, that is why as I had no problems with reading of their ideas. Blekov at least. Karlayl assumed that it because transformations manage their lives. It is an anymore unrealized reaction, what the accepted decision. Extraordinarily unforeseeable, and it changes everything in them. In this instant, when they pass from one form in other, it does not even exist. The future can not retain them.
    I listened his reflections, in deathly silence.
    – I will collect your machine, when it is needed it will be to ride in school, in that case if you will want to ride, – he notarized me through a minute.
    Squeezing lips, I smuggled out of the keys and sharply got out from a machine.
    – Close a window, if want, that I did not come today. I will understand, – he whispered, before I slammed a door.
    I protopala in a house, slamming an entrance door also.
    – That did happen? – asked Charley from a kitchen.
    – Machine is not led, – I growled.
    – does Want, that I looked?
    – No. I will make an attempt in the morning.
    – does Want to take advantage of my machine?
    I can not it was ride on his constabulary jeep. Charley, it must be, was off a head, so wanted to deliver me in La Push. Almost in the same otchanii, as well as I.
    – No, I ustala, – I mumbled. – good Night.
    I rose on a stair and walked up straight to the window. Rudely pushed a metallic frame is with a crash slammed, and glass began to the rattle.
    I long looked at trembling black glass, while it did not stop beating. Breathed then, and opened a window so widely as far as possibly.

Chapter 3

    A sun fully hid after the curtain of clouds, so, that it is difficult it was to define a village it or not. After long flight during which we followed by a sun westward, although it seemed quite immobile in sky, it bewildered fully, because it is impossible it was to define time. I was even surprised, when the forest began to be closed and the first buildings appeared, it meant in fact, that we already close to the house.
    – You were very quiet, – Edvard noticed. – became it badly you in an airplane?
    – No, with me it is all right.
    – was it sadly you to depart?
    – I think, it rather there was a facilitation, what sadness.
    Looking at me, he heaved up one eyebrow. I knew that it is useless moreover, I hated to acknowledge circumstance that there is no necessity to ask him to look at a road.
    – In some questions of Rene much more. receptive, what Charley. It disturbs me.
    Edvard began to the laugh:
    – At your materi very interesting constitution of mind. Almost as for a child, but very penetrating. It looks on a thing not so as other people.
    Penetrating. It was good determination for my mother, when it paid attention on something. Mainly it was busy at the own life, therefore noticed little that. But in these weekend it spared me attention is enough.
    Phil was busy – the baseball command of senior school which he trained participated in competitions – and that it remained one on one with me and Edvardom, came into all its notice to us. Therefore, as soon as hugging and glad exclamations made off from our meeting, Rene began to look after. And as it looked after, its large blue eyes at first had begun to look puzzled, and then disturbed.
    By this morning we went to be missed on a beach. It wanted to rotin me all of beauties of its new house, still hoping, I think that a sun will be able to trick out of me from Forksa. It similarly wanted to talk with me in private, and it was easily to arrange it. Edvard thought of itself an urgent lecture, that during all of day freely to stay at a home.
    Now I remembered this talk again.
    Rene and I missed on an embankment, trying to be in the shadow, created the row of the rarely planted palms. Although it was yet quite early, but a heat already was stifling. Air was such heavy and moist, that my lights had tensely to work even in order that it is simple to inhale and breathe out.
    – Bella? – finally, beginning to speak, my mother asked, translating a look from sand into a slightly worrying sea.
    – What, mother?
    It breathed, trying not to meet with me by a look.
    – I worry.
    – That did happen? – I asked, at once disturbed. – That can I do?
    – It not from me, is rocked a head. – I worry for tebya.I Edvarda.
    Pronouncing his name, it, finally, looked at me, its look was being sorry.
    – Oh, – I mumbled, translating a look to the pair of the sportsmen running about by us poured then.
    – Your relations look more serious, than I thought, – it continued.
    I frowned, quickly scrolling in memory closing two dates. We with Edvardom barely touched to each other, at least, at it. I was thoughtful, Rene that, also decided to read me a lecture about responsibility. I did not think that it would be the same as with Charley. I never tested an awkwardness with a mother. In addition, in the last ten years I from time to time read it notations.
    – there Is something. strange in that, how you stick together, – it mumbled, for it on a forehead, longitudinal wrinkles appeared forth above the disturbed eyes. – That, how he looks after you – it so. guarding. As though, to rescue you he is ready to cover you by itself from a bullet or yet anything.
    I began to the laugh, although still could not meet with it by a look.
    – It that badly?
    – No, is frowned, picking up words. it is simply othergates. He very experiences after tebya.I very cares of you. I feel that does not understand your relations. As if between you there is some secret which I missed out.
    – It seems to me you thought of all of it itself, mother, – I said quickly, trying to talk with lightness in voice. Twisted up a stomach a cramp. I and forgot, my mother sees as much. Something in its simple vision of the world broke through all distracting manoeuvres and beat straight at a purpose. Before it was not a problem. To today I did not have a secret which I would not it tell.
    it is Business not only in him, – its lips compressed in an ordinary protective manner. – I would like, that you could see outside, as you move, being near him.
    – What do you mean?
    – That, how you move – you move round him, even not reflecting about it. When he will be stirred, even quite slightly, you change the position here. As magnit.ili attractive power. you as. sputnik, or yet something. I never saw nothing like.
    It pursed one's lips and dropped eyes.
    – Only not tell me, – I teased, – that you again carry with reading of mysticism? Or for this time is it science fiction?
    Rene slightly pokrasnela.
    – It beside the point.
    – did Find anything interesting?
    – Well, am one – but it does not matter. We talk now about you.
    – You need to pass to the novels, mother. you know how you wind itself.
    The corners of its lips sat up.
    it is I that was foolish, yes?
    Half seconds I could not answer. Rene was so easily guided. It was so comfortably sometimes, because far not all of its ideas were osuschestvimy. But it was offensive me to find out that it so quickly succeeded to be dug down to essence of the folded situation, even not looking on expounded by me the simplified version of what be going on between you and me, and that it was devilish right for this time is special.
    It looked at me, I tried to control expression of the person.
    – not foolish, simply you are a mother.
    It began to the laugh and led around round itself a grandiose gesture, showing on blue water and sand.
    – And really all of it is not it enough, to compel you to move to the dull mom?
    I wiped the forehead a dramatic gesture, and then pretended to be, that press out hairs.
    – You privyknesh' to humidity, – it promised.
    – You also can privyknut' to the rain, – I offered to it.
    It playfully poked with me an elbow, and then, when we went back to its machine, took me by a hand.
    If not to take its agitations in a calculation, relative me, it seemed happy. Satisfied. It still looked at Phil in love eyes, and it consoled. Undoubtedly, its life was valuable and fully satisfied it. Undoubtedly, even now, it does not miss on me too strongly.
    The icy fingers of Edvarda stroked me on a cheek. I looked at him, blinking, going back to reality. He bent over and kissed me bruteforce.
    are We at home, asleep beautiful woman. Time to wake up.
    We already stopped near the house of Charley. Light on a porch was included, and a constabulary jeep was parked on an entrance path. I examined a house, noticing, as window shade is pulled in the window of living room, casting aside the bar of yellow light on a dark lawn.
    I breathed. Certainly, Charley waited, that to read me a lesson.
    Edvard probably thought about that, because, when he walked up to open a door for me, his person was hardening, and eyes isolated.
    – On how many badly? – I asked.
    – Charley not going to swear, – Edvard promised, in his voice there was not a hint on a joke. – He misses on you.
    My eyes narrowed in a doubt. If herein was there business, why was Edvard tense, how before a battle?

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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