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    – will Forgive?
    – Say us, that takes a place, – he growled requirement.
    Jasper appeared, literally, from from nowhere. In one second – were only I and Alice at a wall, Dzheykob encloses us a way, next second – Jasper costs for other side from a hand Jake, with horrific expression on face.
    Dzheykob slowly cleaned a hand.
    – We have a right to know, – he said of quietly, still not taking an eye with Alice.
    Jasper got up between them, and three werewolves got up together.
    – Hey, hey, – I said, with a slightly gelasmus. it is an evening-party, remember?
    Nobody let a pass on me. Dzheykob looked on Alice, and Jasper looked on Dzheykoba. The face of Alice became thoughtful suddenly.
    – It is all right, Jasper. He is right generally.
    Jasper did not weaken the position.
    I was sure that yet a second and my head will burst from curiosity.
    – What did you see, Alice?
    It looked a second on Dzheykoba, and then, turned to me, obviously allowing him to listen.
    – a decision Was accepted.
    – going you to Seattle?
    – No.
    I felt that bledneyu. My stomach compressed.
    – They are sent here. – I squeezed out Hardly.
    The fellows of Kvilety looked after silently, reading every unconscious emotion on our persons. They stopped beating in place, but not quite without motion. All of three pair of hands began to tremble.
    – Yes.
    – In Forks. – I whispered.
    – Yes.
    – After?
    It nodded, understanding my question.
    it is Odin carries your red woman's jacket.
    I made an effort swallow.
    Expression of Jasper was disapproving. I could say that he dislikes the discussion of this theme together with werewolves, but he needs was something to say.
    – We can not them allow to call so far. We are not enough, what to protect city.
    – I know, – Alice said. Her face became unhappy suddenly. – But it is not important, where we will stop them. Us however not enough it will be, and some of them will come here on searches.
    – No! – I whispered.
    Noise of evening-party was deafened by the sound of my denial. All round us, my friends both neighbours and pitiful enemies which ate and laughed, hopping in time music, did not know, that they would meet with horror, danger and, possibly, death. From me.
    it is Alice, – I squeezed out, its name. – I am necessary to go, I must clean up from here.
    it is not helps. It not so as with a bloodhound. They however at first will come to search here.
    – Then I must go to meet them! – if my voice was not such hoarse and tense, he could look like a scream. – If they will find that is searched, can they will go away and will not cause anymore nobody harm!
    it is Bella! – Alice made a protest.
    – Stand, – Dzheykob ordered deep imperious voice. – That does go here?
    Alice developed and looked at him an icy look. – Such as we. Enormous amount.
    – Why?
    – After Bella. That is all, that we know.
    – Them a bit too much for you? – he asked.
    Jasper said indignantly:
    – We have a few advantages, dog. It will be equal fight.
    – No, – Dzheykob said, and strange, furious poluulybka sprawled on his face. – He will not be equal.
    – Fine! – Alice hissed.
    I was covered, still hardening from horror, on new expression Alice. Her face was full rejoicings, all of despair disappeared from its wonderful lines.
    It grinned Dzheykobu, and he to it in reply.
    – All simply disappeared, certainly, – complacently it said to him. it is uncomfortably, but, accepting everything into account, I consent.
    – We must co-ordinate our actions, – Dzheykob said. – it will be not easily Us. However, it is our work anymore, than your.
    it is not calls so far, but we need a help. We will not be too legible.
    – Stand, stand, stand, stand, – interrupted them I.
    Alice got up on socks, Dzheykob leaned over it, their persons expressed excitation, both wrinkled noses from a smell. They impatiently looked at me.
    – to Co-ordinate actions? – I repeated through teeth.
    – did not you think actually, that will stop us from interference? – Dzheykob asked.
    – You remain aside!
    – the Your clairvoyant does not think so.
    it is Alice, say them – no! – I insisted. – They all will be put to death!
    Dzheykob, Kvil and Embri loudly, in voice, began to the laugh.
    it is Bella, – Alice said by sedative voice, – on a separateness can put to death us all. Together –
    – a problem will not be, – finished for it Dzheykob. Kvil laughed again.
    – How many? – Kvil asked impatiently.
    – No! – I cried.
    Ellis did not even give a glance on me.
    – Number changes – today twenty one, but an amount diminishes.
    – Why, – asked with curiosity of Dzheykob.
    it is Long history, – Alice answered, suddenly looking over a room. – And here to it not place.
    – Later, in the evening? – Dzheykob pressed.
    – Yes, – Jasper answered him. – We planned already. strategic meeting. If you going to battle with us, you need some instructions.
    From the last part of suggestion, for all of wolves dissatisfaction appeared on face.
    – No, – I moaned.
    it is has peculiar ways, – Jasper said thoughtfully, – Never thought to work together. It will be first.
    – Without doubts, – Dzheykob consented. He was bustled. – We must go back to Sam. In how many?
    – How many for you very lately?
    All three rolled eyes. – In how many? – Dzheykob repeated.
    – In three?
    – Where?
    – Approximately in a 16 km north of post of rangers of Kho Forest. you befit westerly, and you will be able to find our traces.
    – We will be there.
    They turned to leave.
    it is Stand, Jake! – called him I. – Please! Not do it!
    He stopped, with ukhmylkoy turn to me, while Kvil and Embri impatiently stood at a door. are not smeshi, Bellz. you are a daryl me a gift far more valuable, than that I gave you.
    – No! – I began to the cry again. The sound of electric guitar was deafened by my weeping.
    He did not answer. He was bustled to go after the friends which went away already. I looked helplessly, as he leaves

Chapter 18

    it is the longest evening-party for all of world history, – I complained, on a road home.
    Edvard not going with me to argue.
    – it made off Now, – he said and sedative stroked my hand.
    I was the unique, who required to calm down. Edvard and all of Kalleny now felt fine.
    They all tried to quiet me. When I left, Alice had stroked me on a head, significantly looking on Jasper, while round me the stream of calmness was not begun to the whirl. Kissed me Esme bruteforce and promised, that all would be good, Emmett loudly laughed and asked why only I am permissible to battle together with werewolves. The decision of Dzheykoba quieted them, after the long weeks of stress, they tested euphoria almost. A doubt was replaced a confidence. An evening-party made off on an optimistic note, by the real holiday.
    Only not for me.
    Badly, more faithful simply awfully, that Kalleny will fight from me. It was already anymore, that I could allow. I felt that it more than I can survive.
    Only Dzheykoba I was not yet enough. And his foolish, impatient brothers, many of them even younger than me. In fact they simply children overage juveniles, too muscular for the years, and they with such impatience waited a battle, as though going on a beach picnic. I do not can and to endanger them. My nerves were strained to the limit. I do not know, how many I yet will be able to restrain a terrible desire to begin to the cry.
    I passed to the whisper, to control voice:
    – Tonight, you take me with itself.
    it is Bella, you ustala.
    – does Think, I will be able zasnut'?
    He frowned:
    it is an experiment. I am not sure, whether we will be able. to agree. And I do not want, what you appeared in a center events.
    It is possible to think, all, that he said, will remove a desire to go together with them for me.
    – If you will not take me – I will call Dzheykobu.
    His eyes narrowed. This was the forbidden reception, and I knew that struck below than belt. But I for anything will not remain aside.
    He did not answer; already the house of Charley had us. Light burned before a house.
    – will Meet above, – I mumbled.
    Opening a door, I entered on a tiptoe. Charley usnul straight in a living room, primostivshis' on a too little sofa. He snored so loudly, that even the squeal of included benzopily would not awaken him.
    I insistingly shocked him for a shoulder.
    – Dads! Charley!
    Not opening an eye, he something mumbled.
    it is I already at home, you will injure the back, if will so sleep. Let, it is time perelech'.
    It was yet once or twice to shock him, before I succeeded to compel him to rise from a sofa, but eye he did not open so. I helped him to get to the bed, where he collapsed on a bedspread, not undressing, and began to the snore again.
    In the near time he, obviously, will not begin to search me.
    While I was washed and changed clothes in jeans and flannel shirt, Edvard waited in my room. With an unhappy kind he, looked after me from the arm-chair of kachalki, while I spread clothes which Alice gave me, in a closet.
    – Go here, – I said, taking him by a hand and pulling at in a bed.
    I pushed him downward on a bed, and convolved a kalatch at his breast. Maybe, he was rights, and I usnu from a fatigue. But I will not allow him to elope without me.
    He wrapped up me in plaid, and then pinned stronger.
    – Please, weakened.
    – Certainly.
    it is Bella, all will pass well. I feel it.
    I squeezed teeth.
    Ot him, still, feeling of rest came from. Nobody, except for me, did not worry, if Dzheykob and his friends will suffer. Even Dzheykob and his friends. Especially they.
    It seemed to him that he had almost persuaded me:
    – Listen, Bella. It will be easily. We will overtake catechumens by surprise. They concepts do not have, that werewolves exist, similarly as well as you once. In flashbacks of Jasper, I saw how they act together. I am sure are features of hunt of werewolves, blamelessly will work against them. And when they will part and rasteryanny, on all of us work will not be enough. Some can simply sit in a side, – he teased.
    – Easily and simply, – undistinctly I mumbled to him in a breast.
    – Sh-sh, – he stroked my cheek. – will see Here. And now, not worry.
    He began to sing a lullaby, but this bout it did not quiet me.
    To the people – generally, actually, to the vampires and werewolves, but however – that, who I love, a danger could threaten. They can suffer from me. Again. Desirably, that my failure aimed more well-aimed. Feeling was such, as though I yell in empty sky: Here you need me! Only I!
    I tried to think of, how to compel my failure to be concentrated only on me. It would be not easily. I would have to wait the hour.
    I not usnula. To my surprise, time hurried quickly, and I still was nastorozhenna and tense, when Edvard rose together with me and sat down.
    – are you sure that does not want to remain and have a good sleep?

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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