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39Stefani Mayer

    – And that then? Will you leave it with a mobile telephone? – Dzheykob asked caustically.
    – do you have an idea rather better?
    Dzheykob began to shine suddenly. – Generally, yes.
    it is O. again, not nearly badly, dog.
    Dzheykob quickly turned to me, as though trying to play a good fellow, pulling in me in a talk. – We made an effort persuade Set to remain with two from a sapling. He also is too young, but he is stubborn and persistent. And I thought of a new task for him is a mobile telephone.
    I made an effort pretend, that understood. To fool them for me did not turn out.
    – When Set of Klirvoter will be in wolfish oblichii, he will be related to the covey, – Edvard said. it is Distance not problem? – he added, applying to Dzheykobu.
    – Ne-a.
    – Almost, 500 km? – Edvard asked. it is impresses.
    Dzheykob again was a good fellow. – It the farthest, where we touched at our experiments, – he said to me. – Heard distinctly, as a bell.
    I nodded isolated; A head went around, it was needed to think, that little Set Klirvoter was also a werewolf, it was hardness me to be concentrated. I could see his shining smile, so look like the remaining in my memory smile of Dzheykoba, when he was pomladshe. It could not a set be more than fifteen, if it was in general. His enthusiasm during a conference at a fire suddenly purchased a new value.
    it is a good idea. it is Edvard seemed, it accepts. – it will Be better if there will be Set, even without immediate intercourse. I do not know I would be able to leave Bella there one. To think only to what reached! To trust werewolves!
    – to Battle together with vampires, in place of that to battle against them! – Dzheykob pronounced, copying the faint notes of disgust for Edvarda.
    – Well, however much you will have to battle against some from them, – Edvard said.
    Dzheykob smiled: – That is why we here.

Chapter 19

    Edvard expected that on a reverse way I will not simply have forces, and took me home on hands. On a road I, it must be, usnula.
    I woke up in the bed, weak light pushed through in a window under a strange corner. As though already there was midday.
    I yawned and stretched, my fingers had searched him, but found emptiness.
    it is Edvard? – I mumbled.
    My fingers found out something cold and smooth. His hand.
    – For this time, did you indeed wake up? – he whispered.
    it is Mm, – I breathed out in reply. – Was there a lot of the false awakenings?
    – You were very uneasy – spoke all day long.
    – All day long? – I blinked and again looked at a window.
    – you had long night, – he said, calming me. – you deserved a day in a bed.
    – I sat down, and my head was begun to the whirl. Light from a window fallen westerly. – Oho.
    – Hungry? – he guessed. – does Want breakfast in a bed?
    – I will manage, – I moaned, again stretching. – I am necessary to get up and warmup.
    He conducted me for a hand to the kitchen, carefully looking after after me, I could fall down as though. Or, can, he thought that I did not have yet woken up and walk in sleep.
    No ukhishreniy with breakfast – simply filled up the pair of «Pop-tarts» in a toaster. On the way glancing on the reflection in a toaster, I exclaimed:
    – Well and vidok for me.
    – there Was long night, – he said again. – it followed you to remain and have a good sleep.
    – Aha! And all to skip. you know, it is time you svyknut'sya with a fact, that now I am part of your family.
    He smiled. – Possibly, to it, I will be able privyknut'.
    I sat down to breakfast, and he sat down alongside. When I brought to the mouth of «Pop-tart», what to bite off, I noticed, as he looks at my hand. I looked downward, and saw that still carry a gift which Dzheykob handed me on an evening-party.
    – is it Possible? – he asked, showing on a little wooden wolf.
    I swallowed noisily:
    – And, certainly.
    He stuck a hand under a bangle with a pendant and weighed a little figurine in the snow-white palm. On some moment, I felt fear. Simply easy motion of his fingers, could convert a figurine into slivers.
    But, certainly, Edvard would not do it. I was shamed the ideas. He simply held for some the time a wolf on a palm, and then released. A figurine slightly swung, touching my wrist.
    I made an effort understand that for expression it was in his eyes. All, that I was able to see, it is a reverie; all of other, he able hid, even if there was something yet.
    – Dzheykob Blek can give you gifts.
    This was not a question, or prosecution. Simply establishment of fact. But I knew, he mentally had appealed to my closing date of birth and to that, how I was enraged from gifts; I wanted none. Especially from Edvarda. It was absolute not logically, and, certainly, however much all ignored me.
    – You are a daryl me gifts, – I reminded to him. – Know in fact, that I love home-made.
    On a second he pursed one's lips. – But as regarding used? Are they accepted?
    – What do you mean?
    it is This bangle, – his finger led around round my wrist. – will you carry him often?
    I reaped shoulders.
    – Because, you would not like to offend Dzheykoba, – he supposed penetratingly.
    – Certainly, think so.
    – At that rate, whether you do not think, that will be just, – he said, looking downward at my hand. Inverted it palm up, and ran about fingers on the veins of my wrist. – if will I also compliment with you something on memory?
    – On memory?
    – Pendant on a bangle – that reminded you of me.
    are you, and so, in every my idea. I do not need reminders.
    – If will I give you something, you will carry it? – he insisted.
    it is the Used thing? – I specified.
    – Yes, nothing, that was kept for me some time. – he smiled the angelic smile.
    If, it was just a reaction on the gift of Dzheykoba, I could accept it with gladness. it is Whichever, what oschastlivit' you.
    – did you notice discrimination? – he asked, and his voice began to the sound accusing. – Because, I noticed certainly.
    – What yet discrimination?
    His eyes narrowed. – All have a right to give you gifts. All, except for me. I with pleasure would compliment with you a gift on exhaust, but I did not do it. Because knew is unhinges you. It is perfect unfairly. How will you explain the conduct?
    – Easily. – I reaped shoulders. are you, more important than all of other. And you are a daryl me itself. It already more than I deserve, and what you a not daryl me, all strengthened a disbalance only.
    He thought over it, some time, and then rolled eyes. – That, how you behave to me – simply ridiculous.
    I chewed the breakfast quietly. I knew that he would not begin to listen, if I said him, that he all understands wrong.
    The telephone of Edvarda began to the drone.
    Before to answer, he looked at the number of ringing subscriber.
    – That did happen, Alice?
    He listened, and I, unexpectedly zanervnichav, waited his reaction. But, whatever it said, it did not have been for him a new. He breathed once or twice.
    – In general, I supposed so, – he said to it, looking me in eyes, in disapproval curving an eyebrow. it is talked in sleep.
    I blazed up. And that did I say now?
    – I will look after about it, – he promised.
    He looked at me, when closed a telephone. are you to me does want to tell nothing?
    I hesitated some time. Getting warning from Alice by past night, I could guess, why it rang. And then, remembering anxious sleeps which dreamed me in the day-time are sleeps, where I pursued Jasper, trying to hunt down him and find the field in the dark labyrinth of the forest, knowing that able to find Edvarda there.Edvard, and monsters which wanted to put to death me, but I was untroubled from them, because I made a decision already – I could guess that Edvard eavesdropped exactly, while I slept.
    I pursed one's lips not for a long time, not in forces to give a glance on him. He waited.
    – the idea of Jasper pleased me, – I said, eventually.
    He breathed.
    – I want to help. I must do something, – I insisted.
    – that you will appear in a danger – will not help us.
    – Jasper thinks that will help. He is an expert on this part.
    Edvard angrily looked at me.
    – You can not hold me aside, – I threatened. – I not going to be hidden in-field, while you all risk for the sake of me.
    Here he restrained a smile hardly. – Alice does not see you on the field, Bella. It sees you wandering and lost in-field. you will not be able to find us; for me more than time will simply go away on your searches.
    I tried to save a calmness as well as he. – It because Alice does not have in to Set of Klirvotera, – I said politely. – If it did it, certainly, it would not be able to see anything in general. But alike, that Set wants to be aside, similarly strongly, as well as I. Will not be difficult to persuade him to rotin me a way.
    Malice appeared on his face, and then he deeply breathed and took oneself in a hand. it is would work. if you did not tell me. Now, I will simply ask Sam to give Set the concrete pointing. As Set did not want strongly, he would not be able to ignore an order.
    I continued nicely to smile. – But, why will Sam give such pointing? If will I say him, that able to help, if will be there? Ready to argue, Sam will do a favor to me, but not to you.
    He again had to take oneself in a hand. – Can you and right. But I am sure, Dzheykob yet more will want to give such orders.
    I frowned. – Dzheykob?
    – Dzheykob second in seniority. Did he never tell you it? It is also obeyed his orders.
    He won, and, judging to on his smile, he knew it. I namorschila a forehead. Dzheykob will be on his side – in this unique times – undoubtedly. And Dzheykob never told me it.
    On an instant I rassteryalas', Edvard took advantage of advantage, continued suspiciously even and quiet voice.
    – By past Night I had excellent possibility to glance in the idea of all of covey. There all steeper, than in soap opera. I and did not have a concept as far as it is difficult to be managed with such large covey. Matching against individuality and plural spirit. Simply delightfully.
    It was obvious, that he tried to distract me. I looked at him.
    – Dzheykoba has a lot of secrets, – he said with ukhmylkoy.
    I nothing answered and simply continued to look at him, adhering to the argument, and expecting a weak point in his defence.
    – For example, did you notice by past night a grey wolf measuring a little less?
    I sharply nodded one time.
    He smiled. – They perceive all of the legends so in earnest. Appeared, there are things to which none of their histories was able to prepare.
    I breathed. – All right, it brushed against me. What do you talk about?
    – They always accepted without questions what only direct great-grandchildren of the first wolves, had ability to be transformed.
    – And that, did someone change, whoever had been a direct descendant?
    – No. It is a direct descendant, with it that it is all right.
    I blinked, and my eyes broadened agaze. it is It?
    He nodded. it is knows you. Its name – Lea Klirvoter.
    – Lea is a werewolf?! – I exclaimed. – That? A long ago? Why did not Dzheykob say me?
    – there Are things which he is not permissible to be divided is their amount, for example. As I already said to it, when Sam gives an order, a covey simply can not ignore them. Being next to me, Dzheykob was very careful, when thought about other things. Certainly, after this night, all as the opened book.
    – can not trust. Lea Klirvoter! – I remembered Suddenly, how Dzheykob talked about Lea and Sam, and that, how he behaved, as though said more than followed – since said about Sam, which has every day to look in the eyes of Lea knowing that he violated all of promises. Lea on a rock, a tear glitters for it on a cheek, when Old Kvil talked about a heavy load and victim which was divided by the sons of tribe of Kvilet. And Billy, spending time with Sue, because it had problems with children. that its children are werewolves now appeared a problem!
    Before I not too much thought about Lea Klirvoter, simply felt with its loss, when Henry died, and then again spared it, when Dzheykob told its history, about that, how strange imprinting between Sam and its cousin Emili broke up the heart of Lea.
    And now it was part of covey of Sam, heard his ideas. and not in forces to hide own.
    «I hate it, – told me Dzheykob. – All what you are shamed, it is laid out on universal consideration.»
    it is poor Fellow Lea, – I whispered.
    Edvard snorted. it is does for life all of other covey. I am not sure that it deserves your sympathy.
    – What do you mean?
    it is satisfied difficultly for them, divided all of the ideas. Majority try to stick together, that somehow to facilitate it. When in the covey of all of khotya-by one zlyden', it scotches them all.
    – it has enough reasons, – I mumbled, still on its side.
    – About, I know, – he said. it is Action of imprintinga is one of the strangest things, with which I had to clash in life, and strange I saw quite a bit. – He rocked a head. – That as Sam is related it is impossible to describe to his Emili – or I must was say, with its Sam. Sam did not indeed have chances. It reminds me «Sleep in Summer Night» with everything these by chaos, made magic love invocation. as magic. – He smiled. it is much the same strong sense which I feed to you.
    – Poor Lea, – I said again. – But, what do you mean, naming it is zlyden'?
    it is constantly thinks that other prefer not to remember, – he explained. – For example, Embri.
    – That with Embri? – I asked surprised.
    – Seventeen years back, his mother pregnant by him, moved from reservation of Poppy. It is not from the tribe of Kvilet. All assumed that it had left his father in Poppy. But after he joined in with a covey.
    – And?
    – And main candidates in his otcy it Kvil Ateara Senior, Joshua Uli, or Billy Blek, all of them were certainly married at that time.
    – Nothing to itself! – I breathed out. Edvard was rights is very looked like soap opera.
    – Now Sam, Dzheykob and Kvil think, who of them has a half-brother. They all want to think that it is Sam, because his father never was a father truly. But doubts remain. Dzheykob will be never able to ask about this Billy.
    – Ukh-ty. How were you able so much much to know for one night?
    – Reason of covey bewitches. All think together and separately at one and the same time. It is possible so much to read!
    He talked with barely noticeable regret, as though he had to unstuck from a good book on an interesting place. I began to the laugh.

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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