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    – He is the not too known designer, Bella, so that not roll up a hysterics. He promised me, and he is specialized just in that it needed me.
    – I do not roll up a hysterics.
    – And true, it is not, is suspiciously gave a glance on my quiet person. When we entered in its room, it turned around to Edvardu.
    are you – begone.
    – Why? – I made a protest.
    it is Bella, – it began to the moan. – you know rules. He must not see clothes to the the same day.
    I had once again deeply to breathe.
    – it does not fluster me. And you and know that he already saw clothes in your ideas. But, if you want, that all was just like this.
    It already pushed Edvarda for a door. He did not even look on Alice – his look was tied down to me, he was afraid to abandon me one.
    I nodded, hoping that look confidently enough, to quiet him.
    Alice was slammed by a door for him before a nose.
    – Fine! – said he. – Went.
    It caught me for a wrist and pulled at to the closet – which was more than my bedroom – there, in a distant corner, separately, a long white package hung for clothes.
    It unzipped him, by one easy motion, and neatly took off packing from a peg. Stepped back on a step back, specifying a hand on clothes straight as an anchorwoman of teleshou.
    – Well, how to you? – it asked with the bated breath.
    I long estimating at him looked, playing with Alice. It began to the worry.
    – Ah, – I said, and smiled, allowing it to be weakened. – See.
    – That do you think? – it asked.
    Again I before eyes had that vision from «Ann from green mezoninov» (*book of the Canadian authoress Lucy Maude Montgomeri, «Ann from green mezoninov»).
    it is It, certainly, splendidly. That is needed. you are genius.
    It smiled: – I know.
    it is Fashion thousand nine hundred the eighteenth year? – I guessed.
    it is Something type that, – it nodded affirmative. – Something is done on my design, for example loop and veil. – explaining, it touched a white atlas. are Laces age-old. you like?
    it is beautiful. Exactly that, that he wanted.
    – And really did you want not such? – it asked insistingly.
    – Think yes, think, exactly it I and wanted, Alice. I know that you organize the excellent wedding. if will behave a bridle.
    It began to shine.
    – is it Possible to look your clothes? – I asked.
    It blinked, the satisfied radiance had gone out on face.
    – Really did not you order the clothes of bridesmaid simultaneously? I would not like, that you on my wedding were dressed in shirpotreb. – I gave a start in the pretended horror.
    It dashed to hug me.
    – Thank you, Bella!
    – As could you not see? – I podraznila, kissing it the shortly clipped hairs. – Here such you and clairvoyant.
    Alice, dancing, stepped back from me, her face already burned in the new attack of enthusiasm. – it is Needed so much all to do! Go play with Edvardom. And I need to set to work.
    With a scream – to «Esme!» – Alice took off from a room and disappeared.
    I followed on it. Edvard waited me in a corridor, leaning against to obbitoy wainscots to the wall.
    it is was very-very nice from your side, – he said.
    – Seems, it is satisfied, – I consented.
    He touched my person, his eyes – too dark, so much time passed from that moment, as he abandoned me – studied my expression.
    – will Go from here, – he offered suddenly. – Went on our meadow.
    It sounded so temptingly.
    – Dumayu, do not I need to be anymore hidden, true?
    – No. All of dangers behind.
    While he hurried, he had been quiet and thoughtful. Wind blew my person, since a storm passed he poteplel. Clouds closed a sun, all was as usual.
    Our lawn was today a peaceful and happy mestome. Here and there a glade was covered by summer marguerites, they were selected white-yellow spots on a green grass. I calmed down straight on grass, taking no the notice on slightly moist earth, and looked up, on cloudy pictures. They were too even and smooth. No pictures, simply soft, grey blanket.
    Edvard lay down next to me and held me on a hand.
    – on August, 13? – after a few minutes of comfortable silence, however in anything worldly-wise, he asked,
    – I will have a month left, to my birthday. I do not want to interrupt too close to this date.
    He breathed: – Technically – to Esme more senior than Karlayla on three years. Did you know about it?
    I rocked a head.
    – And for them there is no difference.
    My voice was serene, complete opposition to his anxiety:
    – My age is not so important. Edvard – I am ready. I chosen the life – now I want to begin it.
    He stroked me on hairs.
    it is Right for a veto on the list of guests?
    – Yes, actually, however me, but. – I began to hesitate, not wishing to explain. It is better it was not to explain. – I am not sure, whether will invite Alice. couple of werewolves. I do not know, but suddenly. Jake will feel that. that he owes pridti. That, all turned out correctly, or that it was not very me if he will not come. He does not need to experience all of it.
    Minute Edvard was quiet. I looked at the apexes of trees, they were almost black on a background svetlo-serogo sky.
    Suddenly, Edvard grasped me for a waist and I appeared from above, folded to his breast.
    – Say me, why you do it, Bella. Why did you decide now, to give Alice will?
    I retold him a talk with Charley by past night, before I departed to Dzheykobu.
    – Dishonestly to hold Charley aside, – I summed up. – And yet Rene and Phil. And I can enable to have fun Alice. Can so it will be easy for Charley, if I will say goodbye to him correctly. He thinks although, that yet very early, I do not want to cheat him and not give him a chance to bring me to the altar. – I was twisted on the last word, and breathed deeply. – Eventually, my the mother both a dad and my friends will know the best side of my choice, that I can them tell. They know that I chosen you, and they know that we together. They will know that I am happy, wherever I was. Think, it the best, that I can do for them.
    Edvard held my person, scrutinized in him whole minute.
    – Transaction is annulled, – he said sharply.
    – That? – I suffocated. – do you renounce? It is not!
    – I do not renounce, Bella. I will do everything, that I promised. But I release you from your obligations. All that you want, and no terms.
    – Why?
    it is Bella, I see that you do. you try oschastlivit' all of other. And I am not flustered by stranger senses. I am important, that you were happy. Not experience about that, how to report the news of Alice. I will engage in this. I promise, it will not press you on a conscience.
    – But I.
    – No. We will do everything how you want. Because as I want – does not turn out. I called you stubborn, but look, that I did. I with such idiotic obstinacy am caught for the idea, that better for you, and only cause you pain. I scotch you so deeply, over and over. I no longer trust itself. you can be happy, as you want. As I want – always wrong. – he moved under me, straightening shoulders. – We will do everything how you want, Bella. By this night. Today. What quick, so much the better. I will talk with Karlaylom. Think, if we will give you morphine is enough, it will not all be so badly. Making an attempt is needed in any event. – he ground teeth.
    it is Edvard, not.
    He attached a finger to my lips. – not worry, Bella, sweet one. I did not forget other your requirements.
    His hands already were in my hairs, his lips moved softly – but very in earnest – on my lips, before I understood that he means. That exactly he going to do.
    Time was not on meditations. If I waited so long, why I need to stop him. And so, I already could not breathe quietly. My hands searched him, I cuddled nearer to him, my mouth united with him and answered every his unspoken question.
    I made an effort pridti in itself, to find possibility and forces to begin to speak.
    He was neatly rolled, pinning me against a cool grass.
    «Oh, however!» – my not too high-moral part rejoiced. My reason was filled his sweet breathing.
    «No, it is not, it is not». – I argued with itself. Shook a head, and his lips were moved to my neck, enabling me to breathe.
    – Feet, Edvard. Wait a little. – my voice was weak, as well as my will.
    – Why? – he whispered in a fossula under my throat.
    I tried with application, that my voice sounded resolutely: – I do not want to do it now.
    – True? – he asked with a smile. He kissed me again, and anymore to talk I did not could. A heat passed on my veins, I burned wherein adjoined with his skin.
    I compelled itself to be concentrated. I had to endeavour, to compel the hands to release his hairs, and to put them on his breast. But I did it. And then I abutted against him, trying to push away from itself. I would not be able it to do independently, but he answered me, and moved aside.
    He leaned back on the pair of centimetres, to look at me, and his look not nearly helped me to go it strong. His eyes were as black flame. Light rotted in them.
    – Why? – he asked again, quietly and hardly. – I love you. I want you. Right now.
    Butterflies from a stomach filled my throat. He took advantage of my inability to speak.
    – Wait, wait, – tried to pronounce I to him in lips.
    – does not can, – he said of, disagreeing.
    – Please? – it is constrained I squeaked.
    He began to the moan, and otstupilsya from me, again rolled on the back.
    We both lay so minute, trying to quiet breathing.
    it is Bella, explain to me, why it is not, – he demanded. – And let it be not from me.
    All in my world was from him. That for foolish expectations.
    it is Edvard, this be very important for me. And I going to do everything it is correct.
    – In whose getting it right?
    – In my.
    He was rolled on a stomach, propped up a head a hand and covered on me, censoriously.
    – And as going you to do everything it is correct?
    I breathed deeply. – Responsibly. All in a necessary order. I will not leave Charley and Rene without the best decision which only can offer to them. I will not take its merriment from Alice, in fact however much I will make a match. And I will bind itself to you on all of human rules, before will ask to do me immortal. I will be all to do on rules, Edvard.
    Your soul, very-very important for me, to play such games with it. And you will not compel me.
    – Ready to argue, that will compel, – he said of, his eyes burned up again.
    – But you will not do it, – I said, trying not to worry. – Knowing that I do not want it.
    – You fight not on rules, – he accused.
    I smiled him:
    – And I never and did not promise.
    He depressed smiled me in reply: – If you will change a mind.
    – You will be the first, who knows, – I promised.
    Exactly at this juncture, a shower began to drizzle, a few drops with an easy knock hitted a grass.
    I angrily looked at sky.
    – I will deliver you home. – he brushed off little rain beads from my cheek.
    it is Rain not problem, – I mumbled. it is a sign, that it is time to do something very unpleasant and, possibly, very dangerous.
    His eyes broadened anxiously.
    – Well, that you are bulletproof, – I breathed. – I need a that ring. It is time to tell Charley.
    He began to the laugh from expression of my person. – Very dangerously, – he consented. Again began to the laugh and started to the climb in the pocket of jeans. – Well, it be ok though it will not be necessary to return after him.
    He again put me a ring on the middle finger of left arm.
    Where it will remain – probably, to the end of ages.

An epilogue is a choice

    Dzheykob Blek
    – Dzheykob, how many will it proceed yet? – Lea asked. Impatient. Khnychushaya.
    I squeezed teeth.
    As well as other in a covey, Lea knew about everything. It knew why I came here – to the edge of earth, sky and sea. Came to visit in loneliness. It knew that it unique what I want. It is simple to be one.
    But however followed after me.
    On the stake of second I became stuck up even, but mostly it reached me devils. Because I did not even think to control the disposition. All was simply now, naturally and easily. Red fog no longer covered me an eye. A heat no longer ran about on a spine. My voice was quiet, when I answered:
    – Jump off from a rock, Lea. – I specified on one at my feet.
    – And that you, baby. – it did not turn on me attention, and clumsily sprawled on earth next to me. – you do not present as far as I am heavy.
    – to YOU? – minute I considered that it did not banter and true. – you are the most selfish nature in the world, Lea. I am unpleasant to break up your dreams – those, where a sun to spin only round you – and will not begin to talk openly, that to spit me on your problems. Push aside. A little rather.
    – Simply look at everything for my hand, well? – it continued, as though I and told it nothing.

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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