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    – Covey is simply remarkable, – I consented. – Almost similarly remarkable, as well as you, when try to begin to speak me teeth.
    Expression of him again became polite is a blameless straight laugh.
    – I am necessary to be on the that field, Edvard.
    – No, – he said emphatically.
    I considered at this juncture, that it is exactly needed to do.
    Not, that I so much wanted to be on the that field. I simply must be next to Edvardom.
    «Cruel, – I accused itself. it is Egoist, egoist, egoist! Not do it!»
    I ignored the instincts. Although, and not able to look at him, while talked. Sense of guilt tied down my look to the table.
    – Well, listen, Edvard, – I whispered. – there is one problem. Once I already went down from a mind. I know the limits. And I will not take away, if you will abandon me again.
    I did not heave up a look, to know, as he reacted, it is terrible it was to see, as much these words caused pains him. Heard his sudden sigh only, and then quiet. I looked on dark wooden stoleshnicu, wishing to take away the words back. Knew although, probably, would not take away. Taking into account that they can work, because it is necessary.
    Suddenly, he hugged me, his hands caressed my person, my hands. He tried to quiet me. Feeling of guilt spinuped. But instinct of survival were stronger. No doubts are in that he is basis of my existence.
    – You know that all not so, Bella, – he said of quietly. – I will not be distant, and all will make off quickly.
    – I will not survive, – I insisted, still not lifting an eye. – to Be in a dark you will return or not. How will I outlive it, it is not important as far as all will make off quickly?
    He breathed. – it will Be simply, Bella. For your fears there are not reasons.
    – to None?
    – to None.
    – And will all be all right?
    – All, – he promised.
    – That, is there no necessity, to be me on the field?
    – Certainly, it is not. Alice just said me, that their amount diminished to nineteen. We easily with them will manage.
    – Correctly – you said that all so simply, that someone can take a cover aside, – I repeated his words from past night. it is a true?
    – Yes.
    Seemed too easily – he must was understand where I bend.
    – So simply, that aside can sit and you?
    After long silence, I, finally, looked at expression of his person.
    Blamelessly-passionless expression returned on his person.
    I breathed deeply. – So that, one of two. If, all actually more dangerous, than you tell me, then, I will be, by the way, there, and will do everything from me depending, to help. Or. it will appear so easily, that they will do without you. What does choose?
    He did not talk.
    I knew about what he thinks is what I. Karlayl. To Esme. Emmett. Rosalie. Jasper. And. I compelled itself to think of the last name. And Alice.
    I reflected, whether there was I by a monster. Not such, what he presented itself, and most real. Such, which causes pain people. Such, which not before what not to stop, to have will.
    All, what was wanted by me, it to save him out of harm's way, with me. That did could me in this desire to limit, what did I endow for the sake of it? I was not sure.
    – do you ask me to allow them to battle without my help? – he asked in a low voice.
    – Yes. – surprisingly, that can save a calmness in voice, inwardly I felt such pitiful. – Or allow me to be there. Any variant, to be together.
    He breathed deeply, and breathed out slowly. Obkhvatil hands my person, compelling to look him in eyes. He long looked intently into my eyes. Interestingly, that he searched there, and that found. Was there guilt on my face similarly noticeable, how I felt it in a stomach – muddied me from it?
    His eyes narrowed, from some emotion which I was not able to understand, and he dropped one hand, what again to get a telephone.
    it is Alice, – he breathed. – can you arrive and ponyanchit'sya not long with Bella? – he lifted one eyebrow up, forbidding any objections for my hand. – I am necessary to talk with Jasper.
    To all appearances, it consented. He cleaned a telephone and again looked me in eyes.
    – That going you to say Jasper? – I whispered.
    – I going to discuss. that I remain aside.
    Easily it was to understand how these words were hardness given one's him.
    – I am sorry.
    It was it is sorry me. It was hateful me to compel him to act so. But not so, falsely to smile and say him to go without me. Certainly, not on so much.
    – be not sorry, – he said, a bit smiling. – Never be afraid to say me, as you feel, Bella. If, it that you want. – he reaped shoulders. are you for me topmost.
    – I did not want, what all had turned out so – as if you are necessary to choose between me and family.
    – I know it. In addition, you sue not nearly for it. you gave me two variants, suitable for you, and I chosen one, suitable me. It is kompromis.
    I leaned forward and hid a face a forehead in his breast. – Thank you, – I whispered.
    – Always please, – he said, kissing my hairs. – Whatever.
    We sat motionlessly very long. I hid a person, hiding a face in his shirt. Two voices fought in me. Odin, which wanted to be good and brave, et al, which advised good and brave to gag.
    it is Who such third wife? – he asked suddenly.
    – And? – I asked surprised. I do not remember, that it dreamed again to me.
    – You mumbled something about the «third wife» by past night. Other, had little sense, but you tangled me.
    it is O. Well, yes. This was simply one of histories which I heard at night at a fire. – I reaped by shoulders. – Dumayu, it went down in memory me.
    Edvard was moved aside from me and inclined a head to one side, possibly confused a constraint in my voice.
    Before he he was able to ask, in opening of kitchen door Alice appeared with sour expression on face.
    – You will skip all of merriment, – it mumbled.
    it is Hello, Alice, – poprivetstvovala he it. He raised my person one finger for a chin, to kiss on farewell.
    – I will return later in the evening, – he promised to me. – I will settle it question with other, and something needs it will be to be planned po-novoy.
    – Well.
    – there is Nothing there especially pereplanirovat', – Alice said. – I already said the name of Emmet satisfied.
    Edvard breathed. – Certainly, he is glad.
    He went out in a door, abandoning me with Alice.
    It looked at me.
    – I am sorry, – I was again sorry. – do you think, if all so povernulost', it will be more dangerous you?
    It snorted. – you too worry, Bella. you posedeesh' in advance.
    – Why are you off-tune then?
    it is Edvard such the grumbler, when he does not get, what wants. I simply present how will live with him a few next months. it is squirmed a grimace. – suppose Although, if it will save you rest, it that costs. But I would like, that you learned to control the pessimism, Bella. It superfluous.
    – would you allow Jasper to go without you? – I demanded an answer.
    Alice made wry a face: – It other.
    – other is Eventual.
    – Go and trim up, – it ordered to me. – Charley will be at home in fifteen minutes, and if he will see you oborvashkoy, he will not allow you anymore nowhere to go out.
    Oho, I indeed lost all days long. It seemed such unavailing waste of time. I was soviet, that not always I will have to squander time on sleep.
    When Charley came home, I looked fine – dressed, brushed, and in a kitchen, on a table he was waited by dinner. Alice sat down into place of Edvarda, today Charley exactly will be satisfied.
    it is Hello, Alice! How are you, nice?
    – Fine, Charley, thank you.
    – I see, you showed a leg finally, sleepyhead, – he said to me, when I sat down next to him, then again appealed to Alice. – All only and it is talked about a that evening-party, that your parents undertook by past night. I bet, you will have seriously to engage in cleaning up after it.
    Alice reaped shoulders. Knowing it, all was already put in an order.
    – It that costed, – it said. – Evening-party was wonderful.
    – Where Edvard? – asked Charley, a bit with reluctance. – does He help with cleaning up?
    Alice breathed, and her face became tragic. Possibly, this was a game, but too ideal, that I was sure. – No. He plans a weekend with Emmetom and Karlaylom.
    it is Hike again?
    Alice nodded, her face had become unhappy suddenly. – Yes. They all go, except for me. We always walk in a hike at the end of school year, as though as celebrate, but I decided this year, that better will walk on shops, and nobody will remain with me. I one odineshen'ka.
    Her face shriveled, expression had been so devastated, that Charley was bent to it automatically, fishing out forward a hand, trying somehow to help. I was covered on it with suspicion. What does it do?
    it is Alice, nice, why not to remain you for us? – offered Charley. – it is Terrible to think, that you will be one in such large house.
    It breathed. Something pressed me on a leg under a table.
    – Ouch! – I made a protest.
    Charley turned to me. – That?
    Alice gave up on me off-tune a look. I can say, it thought that I braked today.
    – Struck the finger of leg, – I mumbled.
    it is O. – he again turned to Alice. – Well, because regarding it?
    It trod again on my leg, not so strongly, as in the first time.
    – E, dads, know, we indispose the best suites of rooms. We argue, Alice will not want to sleep on my floor.
    Charley pursed one's lips. Alice returned off-tune expression again.
    – Bella Can will remain there with you, – he offered. – Thitherto, while your will not return.
    – About, Bella, do you agree? – Alice began to shine. are you not against a hike on shops with me?
    – Certainly, – I consented. are Purchases. Fine.
    – When do they leave? – asked Charley.
    Alice changed a person: – Tomorrow.
    – When do you want, what I came? – I asked.
    – Dumayu, after dinner, – it said, and then thoughtfully attached a finger to podborodoku. – do not you have plans on Saturday, so? I wanted to get out from a city on shops, and it will occupy all day long.
    it is not Seattle, – Charley said, and his eyebrows met together.
    – Certainly, it is not, – Alice consented instantly, although we both knew that in Seattle will be very quiet in this Saturday. – I thought, can in Olimpiyu.
    – to please you it, Bella. – Charley was satisfied. – you are necessary blown about in town.
    – Yes, dads. It will be healthy.
    So, one by a simple talk, Alice defined my time-table in a time of battle.
    Edvard returned not too late. Not surprised, he accepted wishes pleasant journey from Charley. He declared that they left early in the morning, and wished good night before, than usually. Alice went away together with him.
    I decided to move away soon since they went away.
    – You can not be tired, – Charley made a protest.
    – A bit, – I uttered a lie.
    – No wonder that you like to skip evening-parties, – he mumbled. are you long away from them walk.
    Above, Edvard lay across my bed.
    – When do we meet with wolves? – I whispered, laid alongside.
    – Through a hour
    – Well. Jake and his friends needs rest.
    – by Him so many as to you, it is not needed, – he underlined.
    I was commuted on other theme, assuming that he again will make an effort persuade me to stay at a home. – did Alice tell you, that it again going to steal me?
    He smiled. – In general that, it not going.
    I looked at him, confused, he slightly laughed above my reaction.
    – am I unique, who is it let to retain you in hostages, remember? – he said. – Alice plans to hunt with all. – He breathed. – I think that does not need now it.
    – do you steal me?
    He nodded.
    I thought over it quickly. There will not be Charley eavesdropping down, and too often checking, that I do. And without the houseful of vampires with their over by a sensible ear. Only he, and I – indeed one.
    – It is all right? – he asked, surprised my silence.
    – Well. certainly, except for one.
    – What? – his look was disturbed. It was strange, but in somewise he still is not sure that I fully belong to him. Maybe, I am necessary it was to be expressed more clear.
    – Why did not Alice say that you left this evening? – I asked.
    He began to the laugh with relief.
    This bout a trip on the field pleased me more than in past night. I still felt guilty, still scared, but already did not test terrible horror. I could operate. I could see that comes. And almost trusted that, maybe, all will be good. Edvard, presumably, strongly experienced not very much, that would skip a battle. and hardness it was to disbelieve him, when he said that it would be easily. He would not leave it family, if disbelieved in it. Alice can, was rights, and I worry too much.
    We arrived on the field last.
    Jasper and Emmett fought already – simply warmed up, judging to on their laughter. Alice and Rosalie settled down on earth, simply looked after. Snuggling up heads and spletya fingers to Esme and Karlayl, spoke in a few meters from all, taking no the notice on anything.
    It was much lighter by this night, a moon shone through thin clouds, and I easily could see three wolves, sittings round a training ground, they were disposed far from each other, to look after what be going on from different corners.

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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