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13Stefani Mayer

    Feeling the last coward, I departed straight to Angela, avoiding his look which, seemed, was able to burn a hole in my mirror.
    He pursued me until I not priparkovalas' before the house of Veberov. He did not stop, and I did not look around, when he passed by me. I did not want to see expression of his person. As soon as he hid from to the kind, I began to the run on a path to the door of Angela. Ben opened me at once, as soon as I began to knock, as if stood straight after a door.
    it is Hello, Bella! – it is surprised he said.
    it is Hello, Ben. E-e, Angela here? – I thought, that, it could forget about our plans, and poezhilas', presenting that it will be necessary to go home before.
    – Certainly, – Ben said, and in a that moment appearing on a stair Angela, called:
    it is Bella!
    Ben looked through my shoulder, when we both heard a roar driving up machines, reported from the side of road; a sound did not frighten me – this motor, stopped, stumbled, a loud exhaust followed and farther. Nothing look like rumbling «Vol'vo». It, it must be, there was that, who was expected by Ben.
    – Austin arrived, – Ben said to walking up to him Angela.
    In the street beeped.
    – will Meet later, – Ben promised. – Already on you miss.
    He twined about a hand the neck of Angela and attracted her face to itself, to kiss. After a second Austin beeped again.
    – While, Anzh! I love you! – he shouted, going by me.
    Angela rocked, her face slightly porozovelo. Then, coming to oneself, began to the wave him after by a hand, while Ben and Austin did not hide from to the kind. Then it looked at me and smiled sorrowfully.
    – Thank you to you for that you do, Bella, – it said. – With all heart. Not only for that rescue my hands from inevitable traumas, you yet and delivered me from two long clock of viewing of plotless, badly duplicated hit. it is heaved a the sigh of relief.
    it is Rada to help, – panic retreated little by little, and I was able, finally, to breathe more even. All was so ordinary here. The simple human experiencing of Angela were strange sedative. It so pleasantly was to know that somewhere is normal life.
    I followed on Angela upstairs, in its room. It wedged off feet, weltering on its way toys. A house was unusually quiet.
    – Where your family?
    – Parents took away twins for birthday in Port – Anzheles. I can not trust in any way, that you, indeed, going me with it to help. Ben pretends to be, that for him tendinit* (inflammation of tendons), is squirmed a grimace.
    – not nearly object, – I said, included in the room of Angela, and saw the heap of expecting us envelopes.
    – About! – I breathed out.
    Angela turned and looked at me a being sorry look. Now clearly, why it put aside it, and why Ben simulates.
    – Thought, you exaggerated, – I was acknowledged.
    – it would be Desirable. Are you sure that want it to do?
    – Connect me to work. For me all day long free.
    Angela divided a heap in half, laying the notebook of materi on a table between you and me. On any time we were concentrated at work, and the sound of writing on a paper pens was heard in a room only.
    – That this evening does do Edvard? – after a few minutes, it asked.
    My pen pressed in in the envelope signed by me.
    – Emmet stayed at a home on a weekend. They, as though, going to the hike.
    – You talk about it somehow uncertainly.
    I reaped shoulders.
    – it was lucky you, that Edvarda have brothers for all of these sallies in mountains and hikes with spending the night. I do not know, what I did, if Ben did not have Austin for similar childish funs.
    – Yes, entertainments on nature not for me. I not for the world would disagree to take part herein.
    Angela began to the laugh:
    – I also prefer to have fun at home, – it said and concentrated on the stack of envelopes.
    I signed four envelopes. With Angela it is never needed it was to stir about every nonsense, only to fill an arising up during a talk pause. The same as and Charley, it fully comfort felt in a quiet.
    But, the same as and Charley, it sometimes was too observant.
    it is Something not so? – lowering voice, it asked. are you, seems. you are nervous.
    I smiled bashfully:
    – It so notedly?
    – No, generally.
    Probably, it uttered a lie, that I felt better.
    – You can talk nothing, if does not want, – notarized me it. – I will hear out you, if you will decide that it will help.
    I wanted to say «thank you», but did not become. Eventually, there were too much secrets which I am under an obligation was to keep in secret. I, indeed, could not discuss the problems with none of people. It felt strongly about rules.
    And meantime, in what – that strange gust, I wanted exactly it. I wanted to talk with a normal girl-friend-man. The same as and to all of girls of my age, to me khotelas' a bit poplakat'sya. I wanted, that my problems were the same simple. Also it would be not bad to have someone, being back from all of these vaprirsko-oborotnevykh scrapes, who would help me in everything to understand. Someone impartial.
    – will not snoop, – smiling, Angela promised, continuing to sign the envelope.
    – No, – I said, – you are right. I am nervous. from Edvarda.
    – That did happen?
    It was so easily to speak with Angela. When it whew here set a question, I could say with a confidence, that it not simply shows curiosity or searches a theme for scuttle-butts, as Jessica. Indeed flustered it, that I am off-tune.
    – About, he is wicked on me.
    – In it hardness to trust, – Angela said. – what is he angered From?
    I breathed:
    – do you remember Dzheykoba Bleka?
    – Oh, – it pronounced.
    – Aha.
    – He revnuet.
    – No, not revnuet. – it followed me to keep one's mouth shut. There was no way to explain it it is correct. But I however wanted to continue. I and did not present how starved on human talks. – Edvard considers that Dzheykob. badly on me influences. As though as. he for me is dangerous. you know, how many for me it was problems a few months back. Although, all of it so foolishly.
    I was surprised, seeing that Angela rocked a head.
    – That? – I asked.
    it is Bella, I saw how Dzheykob Blek looks at you. I bet, that the real reason is in jealousy.
    – With Dzheykobom – it other.
    – For you – maybe. But not for Dzheykoba.
    I frowned.
    – Dzheykob knows that I feel. I all told him.
    it is Edvard just man, Bella. He reacts on it, as well as any other fellow.
    I made a grimace. I have nothing it was on it to say.
    It took my hand:
    – He will outlive it.
    – I hope. To Jake now not easily. I need him.
    – are you with Dzheykobom very near, does not it?
    – As native, – I consented.
    – And he dislikes Edvardu.It must be, it is difficult. Interestingly, how did Ben lead itself in a similar situation? it is thoughtful.
    I slightly smiled:
    – Probably, as well as any other fellow.
    – Possibly, – it smiled.
    Then it changed a theme. Angela never was curious, it always knew when it is needed to stop, it understood and now, that I would be able to add more nothing.
    – Yesterday I got a place in a dormitory. Naturally, in the farthest building from a basic corps.
    – does Ben know already, where will he be settled?
    – In the nearest building to the campos. It always is lucky him. How on an account you? Did you decide where will depart?
    I was covered downward, concentrated on the twisted scribble. I hesitated a few seconds, bewildered ideas about Angela with Ben in Washingtonian University. In all over the months they will be in Seattle. Will be there safe? Will a wild young vampire move somewhere yet? Will a new place appear by that time, some other city, starting from headings of newspapers in style of films of horrors?
    Will there be these headings to appear through my fault?
    I made an effort abort it from a head and a bit belatedly answered its question:
    – I think, on Alaska. There, in Dzhuno, there is an university.
    I heard a surprise in its voice:
    it is Alaska? True?! I mean, it is healthy! I simply thought, you would choose. more warm place.
    I slightly began to the laugh, still looking on an envelope:
    – And, Forks, indeed, a bit changed my plans on the future.
    – And Edvard?
    In spite of the fact that from the sound of his name for me sucked in under a spoon, I looked at it and smiled:
    it is Alaska and for him not too cold place.
    It smiled in reply.
    – Certainly, – it breathed after. – It so far. you not too often will be able to arrive home. I will miss on you. Will you me write on e-meyl?
    Covered me the wave of easy sadness. Maybe, it was an error, exactly now so to chum in with Angela. But really would not become yet sadder me, if I lost this last chance? Driving away sad ideas, I answered humorously:
    – If after all of it I will be able to print, – I winded a head toward the pile of the envelopes already signed by me.
    We began to the laugh, and, completing remaining work, easily and merrily stirred about school and forthcoming student, – all, that it was necessary me, it it is simple not to think about it. Besides, today I had other complications about which it would be needed to be troubled.
    I was similarly caused to help Angela to glue on brands. It was terrible me to leave.
    – As is there your hand? – it asked.
    I bent fingers.
    – Dumayu, some time its functions fully will be restored.
    A door slammed down, and we both exchanged glances.
    – Anzh? – Ben called.
    I made an effort smile, but my lips began to the tremble treacherously.
    – Dumayu, it is a hint on that it is time me.
    – to you quite not necessarily to leave. Although, probably, he going to describe me all fil'm.v details.
    – Charley soon will begin to take interest, where I.
    – Thank you for a help.
    – I spent time well. It is needed it will be somehow it to repeat. It was pleasantly to spend time whew, two together, «between you and me by girls».
    – Exactly.
    In a door knocked very light.
    – Call, Ben, – Angela said.
    I got up and stretched.
    – Hey, Bella, you survived, – Ben cracked a joke, before to take my place next to Angela. He cast a glance our work. it is Excellent work. It is sorry that more nothing remained, I. – he did a pause, deciding not to continue this idea, and then began again, – Anzh, can not trust that you skipped it! It was unmatched. Last stage of battle – raising was unbelievable! One fellow – well, you are necessary to look, then will understand, about what I.
    Angela gave a glance on me and rolled eyes.
    – will Meet at school, – I said, nervously smiling.
    It breathed:
    – See you.
    I was nervous, going on a road to the truck, but a street was empty. All of road I nervously looked intently into all mirrors, but there was not a hint on a silvery machine.
    His machine was not and before a house, true, it did not talk yet about anything.
    it is Bella? – called Charley, when I opened a door.
    – Hello, dads.
    He was in a living room, before a television set.
    – Well, how did your day pass?
    – Well, – I said. All is possible to tell him – however he soon all will hear from Billy. In addition, it poraduet him. – Appeared, that at work my help is not required, therefore I departed in La Push.
    On his face not reflected not the least surprise. Billy already with him spoke.
    – As Dzheykob? – asked Charley, with application representing indifference.
    – Well, – I said by workaday tone.
    are you from Veberov?
    – Aha. We sent all of conveying an invitation.
    are fine Fellows, – Charley smiled widely. Strangely enough, but he was concentrated on a game. – I am glad that you spent time with friends.
    – I am also glad.
    I left on a kitchen, to occupy itself some work. To the hoodoo, Charley already cleaned after itself after a supper. I stood there a few minutes, looking on a bright sunbeam on the floor. But I could not stand so always.

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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