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    – did you send invitations already? – Andzhela Asked, when Edvard and I took a seat for our dinner-wagon. Its hairs were combed back in a careless horse tail, but not dissolute as usual, why a look seemed slightly reckless.
    Alice and Ben already were at a table for other side from Andzhely. Ben was submerged in reading of kommiksov, his glasses slipped down from a narrow nose. Alice attentively studied my boring prikid, consisting of jeans and sport shirt, that aught compelled me to feel an ill at an ease. Probably, it in the imagination presented me in other look. I breathed. My indifferent attitude toward a fashion was the article of its permanent irritation. If I let it, it with gladness would put me on every day – possibly once or twice in a day – as some enormous, by volume paper doll.
    – No, – I answered Andzhele. it is senselessly. Rene knows when for me exhaust. – Who is yet needed?
    – As regarding you Alice?
    Alice smiled. – All is done.
    – it Was lucky you. – Andzhela Breathed. – For my mother thousand relatives, and it expects that I personally will write invitation each. I feel, I will have dents on a wrist. But farther putting aside nowhere and it drives me to horror.
    – I will help you. – I was caused. – If you not against my terrible handwriting.
    It will please Charley. With half an an eye I noticed the smile of Edvarda. It also will please to him – I execute the terms of Charley, without participation of werewolves.
    Andzhela heaved a the sigh of relief. – It so nicely from your side. I will come to you at any time, when you will want.
    it is I better to you will come, if you not against – me already nauseous from the house. Charley freed me from under a home arrest. – With a smile, I declared a good new.
    – Actually? – Andzhela Asked, it usually quiet brown eyes were softly spoilt from a delight. – According to you, it must was last right through life.
    – I am surprised even more than you. I was sure that he will not free me, at least, to completion of school.
    it is healthy, Bella. We must mark it.
    – You do not imagine how class it sounds.
    – And that we will do? – Thoughtfully asked Alice, her face began to shine from forthcoming possibilities. Ideas of Alice were, as a rule, too grandiose for me, and now in its eyes I saw that its projects fully could be made reality of.
    – whatever you thought About, Alice, I doubt that free so.
    – is Freedom freedom, it is not really? – it cut off.
    – I assure you, that my freedom have clear scopes such, as at continental the USA, for example.
    Did Andzhela and Ben begin to the laugh, and Alice squirmed the grimace of genuine razocharovaniya- Well so what will we engage in in the evening? – it persisted.
    – by Nothing. Listen, can will wait the pair of days, to make sure, that Charley does not banter. So or differently soon final evening.
    – So will finish celebrating on these weekend, – it is impossible it was to crush down enthusiasm of Alice.
    – Certainly, – I said in a hope to calm it. I knew that will do nothing extraordinary, will more reasonable take it easy. To give Charley possibility to make sure in that I deserve a trust and behave consciously, before to sue him for a favour.
    Andzhela and Alice began to discuss alternatives, Ben set aside aside comics and joined in with conversation. I thought quite about other. I was surprised, discovering that the fact of my freedom already not radoval me how minute back. While they discussed what will be engaged in in Port Anzhelese or in Khokviame, I felt an irritation.
    Not required a lot of time, to expose the root of my anxiety.
    Since I said Dzheykobu «forgive» in the that forest not far from a house, before my mental look constantly there was a the same picture. It appeared among my ideas through the regular intervals of time, like an irritating alarm clock, zaprogramirovannomu to ring every floor of hour, flooding my consciousness visions of Dzheykoba with the person twisted from pain
    It was my last flashback about him.
    Disturbing visions again burst in my consciousness, and now I knew exactly, that dissatisfied the freedom. Because it was incomplete.
    Certainly, I was free to go where will want – except for La Push; to do, that will want – except for meeting with Dzheykobom. I frowned. There must be some compromise.
    it is Alice? Alice!
    Voice of Andzhely tore up me from meditations. It waved a hand before the white with hardenings eyes face of Alice. I already saw similar expression for it on face and easily understood what is the matter – and that is why as if struck me a current. Its absent look told me, that it sees something except for a circumferential us interior, something, that was also real. Approached something, and it must it was happen soon. I felt as blood pours off from my person. Edvard unchained and began to the laugh very naturally. Andzhela and Ben looked at him, but my look did not unstuck from Alice. It jumped up unexpectedly, as though someone pushed it under a table.
    – did time to take a nap, Alice Come? – Edvard Teased.
    Alice came to oneself. – will Forgive, I, alike, indulged oneself in day-dreaming.
    – Dreaming is much better, than to stick out at school two superfluous hours, – Ben said.
    Alice went back to conversation with a yet greater revival, what to it – only slightly overdoing. At some instant I noticed that its look had stayed too long on Edvarde, but only on an instant, and then it again looked on Andzhelu, before someone yet had time it to notice. Edvard talked nothing, it is dissipated playing the strand of my hairs.
    I with agitation waited possibilities to talk with Edvardom about that, what foresaw Alice, but after dinner we and minutes did not conduct together.
    I felt that from me something is hidden. After a lunch, Edvard slowed a step and went levelly with Ben, discussing tasks which, as I knew, he had done already. Then all of time in interruptions between lessons anybody oshivalsya alongside, although usually we with Edvardom always had a few free minutes for each other. When a final bell rang out, Edvard joined in with Mike and other students which, conversing, went to parking. I followed after Edvardom a tail, allowing him to result me in.
    I listened, quite bewildered, as Mike answered the unusually friendly questions of Edvarda. Alike, Mike had problems with a machine.
    –. but I only recently changed an accumulator, – Mike talked. He looked at Edvarda with dread, puzzled, similarly as well as I.
    – does it Can wiring? – Edvard Supposed.
    – Maybe. I little understand in machines, – Mike was acknowledged. – I need, that anybody looked my machine, but I can not take the liberty to drive it to Doulingu.
    I opened a mouth, to offer the mechanic, but slammed quickly. My mechanic is busy in these days, hurrying in the look of giant wolf.
    – I am something understand herein – can look, if want. – Edvard Offered. – Only will bespatter Alice and Bella home.
    Mike and I covered on Edvarda, opening wide mouths.
    – Ee. thank you, – Mike mumbled, priydya in itself. – But I need on work, can somehow other time.
    – Certainly.
    – To meeting. – Mike climbed in the machine, with distrust rocking a head.
    Alice already sat in the machine of Edvarda.
    – That was it? – I Asked Edvarda opening the door of machine to me.
    – Simply offered a help. – Edvard Answered.
    Alice, expecting us on a back seat zataratorila with horrific speed.
    – not such you and good mechanic, Edvard. It can you it is needed to grab with itself Rosalie, not opozorit'sya, if Mike will allow you to help him with a machine.
    And not only because will funnily look at his person, when Rosalie will appear for a help. But it is assumed that it now in other end of country visits a college, it will be the best not idea. It is sorry. I assume although, that with the machine of Mike you and can manage. It only the exact tuning of the good Italian machines to you not on teeth. By the way speaking, about Italy and sporting machine which I stole there, you still owe me yellow Porshe. I do not think that want to wait to Christmas.
    I left off to listen through a minute, allowing its rapid voice to become it is simple noise on a back background, and waited patiently.
    It seemed to me that Edvard avoided my questions. Fine. Enough soon he will have to remain with me in private. It is a question of time just
    Edvard, apparently, also understood it. He landed Alice on the road to the house of Kalenov as usual, although I already almost expected from him, that he will convey it to the house and conducts inward.
    Going out from a machine, Alice cast a piercing look to Edvarda. He looked absolutely carefree.
    – To meeting, – he said. And then nodded barely notedly.
    Alice was turned away and here disappeared between trees.
    Edvard was quiet, opening out a machine back in Forks. I waited, guessing, whether he will begin the first. He did not begin, and it strained. What did Alice see today after dinner? Something, that he does not want to tell me, and I made an effort present reason of his secrecy. It can me it is needed to prepare, before to ask. I did not want to be frightened, and to force him to think that I will not be able to survive it, what it was not.
    So we rode in a quiet, while did not drive up to the house of Charley.
    – Today set an easy home task, – he noticed.
    – Ugu – I nodded concordantly.
    – do you think, it is again permitted me to call?
    – Charley did not show the signs of anger, when you fetched me, to drive in school.
    But I was sure that Charley will be devilish wicked, when, returning home, will find Edvarda there. Can me prepare anything special on a supper.
    Calling at a house, I rose upstairs, and Edvard followed on me. He sprawled on my bed and covered in a window, taking no the notice on my impatience.
    I put a bag and included a computer. There was a neotvechennoe letter, sent on by an e-meyl mother which already began to panic concerning my prolonged silence. I began to the patter fingers expecting, while my ancient computer woke up heavily; fingers knocked on a table quickly and nervously.
    And then, he covered my fingers by it slightly squeezing them.
    – are We slightly impatient today? – he pronounced quietly.
    I heaved up a head, thinking of a sarcastic answer, but his person appeared nearer, than I expected. His gold eyes shone only in the inches of couples from my, and his breathing winnowed coolness near my lips. I could feel his pleasant aroma in the language. I was not able to remember not a single witty answer. I was not able to remember the name. He did not give me a chance to regain consciousness.
    If there was my will on that, I would conduct greater part of the time kissing Edvarda. In my life there was not such experiencing, which can it would be be compared to feeling of his cool lips, marble hard, but here always such tender, moving together with my.
    Not often all turned out how I want.
    So I was surprised, when his fingers were intertwined in my hairs, attracting my person. My hands closed up on his neck, and in that moment I dreamed to be stronger – stronger in an order to conclude him in the cuddles. His hand slid downward on my back, pinning me denser to his stone breast. Even through a sweater, his skin was cold enough, to compel me to tremble – this was trembling of pleasure, happiness, but his hands began to be weakened.
    I knew that am about three seconds for me, before he will breathe and neatly will remove me, mumbling anything that we risked enough my life for one evening. In these seconds I collected all of the forces and moved nearer to him, meeting with him in single unit. The tag of my language ran about on his lower lip; it was blamelessly smooth, it was polished as though, and its taste.
    He moved away my person from it with lightness tearing my embrace – possibly, he did not even realize that I had utillized all of the forces.
    Edvard quietly began to the laugh a low, hoarse sound. His eyes shone from excitation which he repressed inflexibly.
    – Ah, Bella, – he breathed.
    – I would say excuse me, but will not be.
    – And I must regret, that you were not sorry, but I do not regret. Maybe, I better will sit down on a bed.
    I breathed out, feeling easy dizziness. – If you consider that it is necessary.
    He awry smiled and freed oneself.
    I rocked a head, trying to come to oneself, and turned back to a computer. He was already warmed up and with vengeance buzzed. Well, not that buzzed, but moaned exactly.
    – Pass Rene hello from me.
    – Certainly.
    I looked over the letter of Rene, rocking a head from some its stunning acts. I was led away reading, and frightened just as in the first time, reading its letter. It was so look like my mother to forget that it is paralysed by dread of height, while not appeared, that it jumps with a parachute in a tandem. I flew out Phil, her husband already almost as two years, that he let it it. I better would care of it. I know it much better.
    You must allow them to choose the way, I reminded to itself. you must allow them to live how they want.
    I conducted greater part of the life, caring of Rene, patiently talking it out of the reckless undertaking and good-naturedly standing consequences those from which I not able to protect it. I always was patient with the mother, surprised it and behaving to it a bit indulgently. I saw mass of its errors and laughed about itself. Frivolous Rene.
    I was not nearly such as my mother. More prudent and careful. Responsible, more grown man. I saw such itself. Such I knew itself.
    From the kiss of Edvarda blood flowed to the head, felt, as it pulsates in temples, and I could not withstand and all thought about those errors materi which changed its life in a root. Foolish and romantic, only finishing school, it made a match for a man, which barely knew, in a year gave birth me. It always assured me, that does not spare about it, and that it is the best gift in its life. Now it drills me over and over speaking that clever people behave to marriage in earnest. Clever people enter college and do a career till bind by itself serious relations. It knows that I will never be such reckless, muddle-headed and provincial as it.
    Squeezing teeth, I tried to be concentrated, replying its to letter.
    Then I paid a regard to one suggestion and remembered why did not hurry to answer.
    You already a long ago tell nothing about Dzheykoba, it wrote. How he there?
    Charley prompted it, I am sure.
    I breathed and printed quickly, containing an answer for its question in two careful suggestions.
    I suppose that with Dzheykobom it is all right. I not often with him seen; he conducts greater part of the time in the company of friends from La Push.
    Dryly smiling to itself, I added greeting from Edvarda and pressed to «send».
    I and did not present that Edvard quietly stood after my back, while did not begin to get up from a table. I going to curse out him, for reading after my back, but understood that he took no the notice on me. He examined a flat black small box with sticking out in different directions send-offs. After a second, I knew the stereosystem, which births of Emmet, Rosalie and Jasper, gave a present on a past day me. I and forgot about all of these gifts, hidden under the growing hill of dust on the floor in a lumber-room.
    – That did you do with it? – he asked in horror
    it is not dragged out from a device panel.
    – And did you consider necessary to apply violence?
    – You know as I use with instruments. No harm was inflicted intentionally.
    He shocked a head, and his person was distorted in the pretended tragedy. – you put to death it.
    I reaped shoulders. – About, yes.
    – it will be unpleasant Them, if they will see it, – he said. – I think it is good, that you were under a home arrest. I will have to purchase other stereo, they will notice before.
    – Thank you, but I do not need a fashionable stereo.
    – I going to replace him not for the sake of you.
    I breathed.
    – You were not too glad the gifts last year, – he pronounced by rasserzhennym voice. Unexpectedly, he began to wave the rectangular sheet of paper.
    I did not answer, fearing that my voice will tremble. My failure eighteenth birthday, with all of dolgoigrayuschimi consequences – not nearly that I would like to remember, and I was surprised, why he heaved up this theme. He behaves to it even more sensible what I.
    – do you know that a term outflows already? – he asked, holding a sheet to me. This was another gift is vaucher on airline tickets, which Esmi and Karlayl complimented with me, that I was able to visit Rene in Florida.
    I did a deep sigh and answered even voice. – No. I quite about them forgot.
    Expression of his person became clear and good-natured; there is not track from the deep experiencing, when he continued. – What, for us am yet a little bit of time. you are free. and we do not have plans on these weekend, because you renounced to go along with me on exhaust. He smiled. Why not to finish celebrating your freedom thus?
    I was surprised.
    – Departing to Florida?
    – You talked nothing about the states which are permitted.
    I gave a glance on him with suspicion, trying to understand, what he bends to.
    – Well? – he asked. – So do we ride to see Rene or not?
    – Charley will never settle.
    – Charley can not forbid you to be seen with mater'yu. It still main guardian.
    – Nobody is a guardian me. I am adult.
    He smiled effulgently. – Exactly.
    I thought with minute, decided before, that it did not cost it such efforts. Charley will be in a wax – not because I ride to meet with Rene, but because Edvard rides with me. Charley will not speak with me by months, and I possibly again will appear under a home arrest. Certainly it would be reasonable even not to stammer about it. Can in a few weeks, after completion of studies.
    But it was difficult to resist an idea to meet with a mother now, but not in a few weeks. Too much time passed since I saw Rene. And yet longer we did not meet in a pleasant situation. For the last time, when I was with it in Phoenix, I conducted the most of the time in a hospital bed. And then, when it arrived here, I was not in itself. Certainly it have the not best flashbacks about it. Can if it saw how I am happy with Edvardom, it would tell about this Charley, to soften him.
    Edvard studied my person attentively, while I reflected.
    I breathed. – not on these weekend.
    – Why is not it?
    – I do not want to be at war with Charley. Not immediately since he forgave me.
    His eyebrows met together. – I think, these weekend befit ideally, – he mumbled.
    I rocked a head. – Other time.
    are you not the unique was locked in this house, as in a trap, you know. – He frowned.

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 Read Book


  • Preface
  • A chapter is a 1 Ultimatum
  • Chapter 2 Escape    
  • Chapter 3 Reasons
  • Chapter 4 Nature
  • Chapter 5 Mystic connection   
  • Chapter 6 Switzerland
  • Chapter 7 the Unhappy end  
  • Chapter 8 Self-possession    
  • Chapter 9 Purpose   
  • Chapter 10 Smell   
  • Chapter 11 Legends  
  • Chapter 12 Time   
  • Chapter 13 Catechumen  
  • Chapter 14 Explanation   
  • A chapter is 15 Bets   
  • Chapter 16 Epoch  
  • Chapter 17 Alliance   
  • Chapter 18 Instructions    
  • Chapter 19 Egoism    
  • Chapter 20 Kompromis   
  • Chapter 21 Tracks    
  • Chapter 22 Flame and ice   
  • Chapter 23 Monster   
  • Chapter 24 the Sudden decision   
  • Chapter 25 Mirror   
  • Chapter 26 Ethics   
  • Chapter 27 Necessity   
  • An epilogue is a choice
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